原帖由 tnt9999 于 2008-2-21 12:19 发表
我们公司也有truck driver,,,但是他们一周只做30个小时,,,,
长时间下来人的体力受不了,,他们也这么说,,,,有些要早上4点就开工了 ...
原帖由 tnt9999 于 2008-2-21 12:22 发表
我想大部分的人最多开个1-2小时的车,而且是轿车,,8小时卡车。。。hard to believe,,万一体力上受不了,,,出车祸了,,钱再多也白搭。。。这个 ...
原帖由 <i>花天堂</i> 于 2008-2-21 12:36 发表
I rather have a tired body than a tired brain...
原帖由 huanAK 于 2008-2-21 12:54 发表
but you will lost your brain when you drive like that, it is ok for casual drive, but for full time ..
原帖由 <i>花天堂</i> 于 2008-2-21 13:01 发表
Well… to be honest I don’t mind if I have no choice… it’s a job… and its well paid when compared...
<br />
And.. whats wrong with you guys? Get sick easily?
I drove down to Wellington in ...
You boys need to toughen up…
原帖由 吃菜的小猪 于 2008-2-21 13:25 发表
开这个车不是一天要休息至少10小时吗?然后连续工作72小时要休息24小时,还要记log book如果不记被警察抓到,一次就2000刀,公司1万刀,并非你说的那么容易的阿~~~~很麻烦,万一出事故,就别想再作这个工作了9个 ...
原帖由 Naati 于 2008-2-21 13:50 发表
lz is just telling the story and show us which industry could make easy and swift money.
what;s wrong with you guys? it seems that lots of ppl against his ideas.
I pretty much agree with hi ...
原帖由 lady_morphine 于 2008-2-22 11:50 发表
我以前在救火队开过救火车,感觉并不是特别难。我也考虑过入这一行,以前曾经试过一连8天每天骑14小时的单车,觉得开长途车再辛苦也不会有那个辛苦。但是可惜这一行对女性还是比较歧视的,女性想要证实自己是非 ...
原帖由 lady_morphine 于 2008-2-22 11:53 发表
但是话说回来,假如我真的能够工作开500hp的mack的话,那么我想我的生活会幸福很多。毕竟就是要做burnout 也容易很多。
原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-2-22 22:40 发表
all job is labour.. even doctor is a labourer....
unless you become a investor... no labour involved.
原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-2-23 23:54 发表
my understanding of labour is if you work and receive income, thats labour, foundamentally there is no difference between a doctor goes to hospital/clinic for a day or a labourer goes to a ...
原帖由 ilovelove 于 2008-2-24 19:49 发表
then y dont ppl just take that job >__< if more ppl join the wages gonna decrease anyway...
原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-2-24 23:10 发表
some people dont want to be a blue collar....
some people dont know because lack of information
my brother in law, he is 18, he asked me what job makes a lot of money and not stressful,
i wanted to become a pilot, but my eyes are fxxked up, i am blind if i take off my glasses.;]4b
原帖由 ilovelove 于 2008-2-25 19:40 发表
..........u cant wear contacts when u go swimming...promotes growth of bacteria & damage to the lenses......investment is better in the end
原帖由 logan0323 于 2008-2-25 22:49 发表
Well,"easy money job" is not that kind of easy,but it is a nice business plan about expanding the future Logistics strategy.I have a few questions: how could you say"Did you guys know truck drive ...
原帖由 478 于 2008-2-28 20:29 发表
楼主胡说八道,我就在运输公司搞文职工作。长途运输也就是20块出头,而且是夜班,而且长期离家,一年辛苦到头也就5,6万,还得每天工作10小时。而且长途的大卡车,可不是刚入行几年的司机就能让你开的,人家都找 ...
原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-2-21 12:40 发表
bro the merit of the story is..
do it until you are 30 so you have enough capital so you can do something else.
原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-3-7 06:05 发表
bro I think I mentioned this before...... your signature photo is so HOT. makes me wet everytime I see it.
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