
标题: easy money job - series 1 [打印本页]

作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-21 12:01:08     标题: easy money job - series 1

Hi guys..
Me again.
Thought I should utilise my construction experience and let the public know about some of the easy money job that’s available on the market

Gonna talk about long haulage truck driver today..

Did you guys know truck driver earns like 4000-5000 a month minimum? If you do long haulage and night time driving, its like between $100-$150 an hour, and often you drive from AKL to Wellington. That’s 8 hours on a 500hp Mack, that’s $800 a day. your monthly earning wont be $800 x 30 = $24,000, because you need to service your truck, and its quite expensive, but if you do endup driving 30 days a month… you will earn 10k easy...
Yes, 500HP mack… so if you love driving and just drive… get into trucking business. No skill required, just clean license, and you will need to sit several test, like HT license, (Heavy Tread), maybe forklift licence too, the more you have, better it is. The most important thing is…. You need to learn how to drive a big truck!!! (its actually called B-train) and you cant have mistakes… if you have 1 mistake or 1 accident… you are finished in the business.
If you have your own truck, you can earn more…. Mate of mine went to Canada and driving these truck in the snow and earns like $250 USD an hour. Ok? Nuf said.

作者: M悠悠M    时间: 2008-2-21 12:06:57

i've never seen a girl driving a big truck...

so not suitable 4 me......................
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-21 12:17:44

I have seen girls driving big truck, not often tho...
作者: tnt9999    时间: 2008-2-21 12:19:43


我们公司也有truck driver,,,但是他们一周只做30个小时,,,,

作者: tnt9999    时间: 2008-2-21 12:22:36

我想大部分的人最多开个1-2小时的车,而且是轿车,,8小时卡车。。。hard to believe,,万一体力上受不了,,,出车祸了,,钱再多也白搭。。。这个方案我们n久前就研究过了,,开卡车,,不能挣钱,,就算挣钱也是拿命换得,,划不来。。。。
作者: jy43    时间: 2008-2-21 12:32:19


作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-21 12:36:37

原帖由 tnt9999 于 2008-2-21 12:19 发表

我们公司也有truck driver,,,但是他们一周只做30个小时,,,,

长时间下来人的体力受不了,,他们也这么说,,,,有些要早上4点就开工了 ...

I rather have a tired body than a tired brain...
作者: 七彩叶子    时间: 2008-2-21 12:37:29

作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-21 12:40:08

原帖由 tnt9999 于 2008-2-21 12:22 发表
我想大部分的人最多开个1-2小时的车,而且是轿车,,8小时卡车。。。hard to believe,,万一体力上受不了,,,出车祸了,,钱再多也白搭。。。这个 ...

bro the merit of the story is..

do it until you are 30 so you have enough capital so you can do something else.
作者: 金牌卧底    时间: 2008-2-21 12:45:54

开车时间长了, 骨头会有问题吧? 腰椎突出疼什么的...

我开4个小时以上的房车, 肩背就开始不舒服了... 如果长期开, 骨头就完蛋了
作者: huanAK    时间: 2008-2-21 12:54:34

原帖由 <i>花天堂</i> 于 2008-2-21 12:36 发表

I rather have a tired body than a tired brain...

but you will lost your brain when you drive like that, it is ok for casual drive, but for full time ..
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-21 13:01:21

原帖由 huanAK 于 2008-2-21 12:54 发表

but you will lost your brain when you drive like that, it is ok for casual drive, but for full time ..

Well… to be honest I don’t mind if I have no choice… it’s a job… and its well paid when compared….

And.. whats wrong with you guys? Get sick easily?
I drove down to Wellington in 7 hours (in heavy storm), and then drive back the next day, didn’t feel anything.

Maybe its because I used to do triathlon and cycle my way around NZ so its nothing to me… ..

You boys need to toughen up…
作者: huanAK    时间: 2008-2-21 13:07:45

原帖由 <i>花天堂</i> 于 2008-2-21 13:01 发表

Well… to be honest I don’t mind if I have no choice… it’s a job… and its well paid when compared...
<br />
And.. whats wrong with you guys? Get sick easily?
I drove down to Wellington in&nbsp;&nbsp;...

You boys need to toughen up…

yes, it is good to read your post, I need to more actively to catch up
作者: 吃菜的小猪    时间: 2008-2-21 13:25:37

开这个车不是一天要休息至少10小时吗?然后连续工作72小时要休息24小时,还要记log book如果不记被警察抓到,一次就2000刀,公司1万刀,并非你说的那么容易的阿~~~~很麻烦,万一出事故,就别想再作这个工作了9个月内至少~~~麻烦死了
作者: jy43    时间: 2008-2-21 13:33:27

直接等series 2 了~~~~
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-21 13:41:14

原帖由 吃菜的小猪 于 2008-2-21 13:25 发表
开这个车不是一天要休息至少10小时吗?然后连续工作72小时要休息24小时,还要记log book如果不记被警察抓到,一次就2000刀,公司1万刀,并非你说的那么容易的阿~~~~很麻烦,万一出事故,就别想再作这个工作了9个 ...

those are the standard paper work and basic requirement for this job. if you cant meet these requirement, then do something else.
But mind you just about any job comes with min. requirment and responsibility...

a job with not much or no responsibility = min pay...

of course nothing is simple.. but the opportunity is there.
作者: kelfy    时间: 2008-2-21 13:45:23

作者: Naati    时间: 2008-2-21 13:50:51

lz is just telling the story and show us which industry could make easy and swift money.

what;s wrong with you guys? it seems that lots of ppl against his ideas.

I pretty much agree with his idea, as long as you can make money, you can do watever you like.
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-21 14:02:10

原帖由 Naati 于 2008-2-21 13:50 发表
lz is just telling the story and show us which industry could make easy and swift money.

what;s wrong with you guys? it seems that lots of ppl against his ideas.

I pretty much agree with hi ...

thanks mate....

you have good eyes and you understand the merit of the story....
作者: purplefog    时间: 2008-2-21 14:10:04

guys need to be tough
作者: adang    时间: 2008-2-21 14:31:32


作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-21 14:38:21

原帖由 adang 于 2008-2-21 14:31 发表


partly right...

my sister-in-laws father, he operates one of the biggest truck freight company in Osaka.

I wanted to emphasise, dont limit yourself to a white collar job. often its not as good as you thought.

a job with salary under 50k is really difficult to make a living in AKL, you cant live a life you want. luckily most of people will be above this band after a few years work, but a few years of your time... do you think its worth it?

I think not.... because you only live once.
作者: z-score    时间: 2008-2-21 19:29:04

OMG, 在这里。
作者: cynoshello    时间: 2008-2-21 22:34:38

作者: 深情密码    时间: 2008-2-21 22:42:44

haha, so funny.
if u want to be really rich, richer than most of people in the world, just do what bill gates does every day.
作者: xp_theman    时间: 2008-2-22 09:42:58

Truck driver is a high earning job. but i think the driver is restricted to drive certain amount of time per day ay. Long time driving is dangerous.

well , most of the people shows doubt, but i would say lz is only telling the fact.
Most of  us doubt easy money, because we dont have faith in people.
作者: lady_morphine    时间: 2008-2-22 11:50:49

作者: lady_morphine    时间: 2008-2-22 11:53:03

但是话说回来,假如我真的能够工作开500hp的mack的话,那么我想我的生活会幸福很多。毕竟就是要做burnout 也容易很多。
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-22 12:05:27

原帖由 lady_morphine 于 2008-2-22 11:50 发表
我以前在救火队开过救火车,感觉并不是特别难。我也考虑过入这一行,以前曾经试过一连8天每天骑14小时的单车,觉得开长途车再辛苦也不会有那个辛苦。但是可惜这一行对女性还是比较歧视的,女性想要证实自己是非 ...

EXACTLY. thats why some people can do it, some cant
when I was doing my cycling trip around NZ, I had to cycle 100km - 120km a day with 20kg luggage(tent, sleeping bag, pots, cooking ware, stove, water, food, clothes...) and its not flat road, its hilly-very hilly (Arthurs Pass? Haast Pass? Lindis Pass?)

and you are right, unfortunately woman dont get the same treatment as man does in some area....

therefore man and woman are not equal!
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-22 12:07:54

原帖由 lady_morphine 于 2008-2-22 11:53 发表
但是话说回来,假如我真的能够工作开500hp的mack的话,那么我想我的生活会幸福很多。毕竟就是要做burnout 也容易很多。


yeah... but they come with 12 speed gear (or more, depend on how big you are, some 16)

hard to drift... but as for burnout.......

作者: ilovelove    时间: 2008-2-22 22:30:04

.....................but thats like labour....
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-22 22:40:29

原帖由 ilovelove 于 2008-2-22 22:30 发表
.....................but thats like labour....

all job is labour.. even doctor is a labourer....

unless you become a investor... no labour involved.
作者: ilovelove    时间: 2008-2-23 22:58:26

原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-2-22 22:40 发表

all job is labour.. even doctor is a labourer....

unless you become a investor... no labour involved.

作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-23 23:54:04

原帖由 ilovelove 于 2008-2-23 22:58 发表


my understanding of labour is if you work and receive income, thats labour, foundamentally there is no difference between a doctor goes to hospital/clinic for a day or a labourer goes to a construction site for a day.

they all have to work

if your understanding is different to mine, cool.
作者: lengya    时间: 2008-2-24 18:06:08

才看见这个帖子,我觉得LZ的想法是很好的,最少我有知道了,还有一个能挣更多钱的职业。已经看见你的SEREIS TWO了,很期待
作者: ilovelove    时间: 2008-2-24 19:49:56

原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-2-23 23:54 发表

my understanding of labour is if you work and receive income, thats labour, foundamentally there is no difference between a doctor goes to hospital/clinic for a day or a labourer goes to a  ...

then y dont ppl just take that job >__< if more ppl join the wages gonna decrease anyway...
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-24 23:10:28

原帖由 ilovelove 于 2008-2-24 19:49 发表

then y dont ppl just take that job >__< if more ppl join the wages gonna decrease anyway...

some people dont want to be a blue collar....

some people dont know because lack of information

my brother in law, he is 18, he asked me what job makes a lot of money and not stressful, I told him he can consider being a commercial airline pilot

he didnt know how much commercial air line pilot makes a year... so yeah... of course to become a commercial airline pilot is quite hard, its probably easier if you sign up to one of the airforce academy in US/UK/Australia, serve for 5 years as airforce pilot, and then become a commercial airline pilot.

i wanted to become a pilot, but my eyes are fxxked up, i am blind if i take off my glasses.

[ 本帖最后由 花天堂 于 2008-2-24 23:11 编辑 ]
作者: huanAK    时间: 2008-2-25 00:24:56

原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-2-24 23:10 发表

some people dont want to be a blue collar....

some people dont know because lack of information

my brother in law, he is 18, he asked me what job makes a lot of money and not stressful,

i wanted to become a pilot, but my eyes are fxxked up, i am blind if i take off my glasses.;]4b


one silly question, do you wear glasses when you go swimming ?
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-25 00:29:48

原帖由 huanAK 于 2008-2-25 00:24 发表

one silly question, do you wear glasses when you go swimming ?

1。 隐形眼镜
2。 有度数的潜水镜
作者: ilovelove    时间: 2008-2-25 19:40:26     标题: 回复 #39 花天堂 的帖子

..........u cant wear contacts when u go swimming...promotes growth of bacteria & damage to the lenses......investment is better in the end
作者: susanlovesnz    时间: 2008-2-25 20:01:33

Everything has got a cost, how much you want to achieved, how much you have to give away. If I really need that much money for surviving, even I am a girl, I will take the job, as well as the risk.
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-25 20:10:02

原帖由 ilovelove 于 2008-2-25 19:40 发表
..........u cant wear contacts when u go swimming...promotes growth of bacteria & damage to the lenses......investment is better in the end

thanks for that i didnt know that at all.

but i always use prescriptioned goggles anyway... its been a while since i last time went for a swim with contact lens on...
作者: logan0323    时间: 2008-2-25 22:49:20

Well,"easy money job" is not that kind of easy,but it is a nice business plan about expanding the future Logistics strategy.I have a few questions: how could you say"Did you guys know truck driver earns like 4000-5000 a month minimum?";"between $100-$150 an hour"that is a kind of like labour cost or your profit?; Dose it really stabilise? How much did you spend on your capital and don't you know some that cost at present 2008? And what is the ROI(return on investment ratio)?And so on......

LZ!Could you leave me your contact info.? Thanks

[ 本帖最后由 logan0323 于 2008-2-26 07:17 编辑 ]
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-25 23:16:35

原帖由 logan0323 于 2008-2-25 22:49 发表
Well,"easy money job" is not that kind of easy,but it is a nice business plan about expanding the future Logistics strategy.I have a few questions: how could you say"Did you guys know truck drive ...

dude... I dont know how to answer your question, as I am not an expert in any of those field. 专家通常都不是老板, 老板的工作是, 知道一个方向,往哪个方面前进, 剩下这些REOI或是什么stability的东西, 就是老板雇你做的事情。


第二个例子,王莽大家知道是谁吧,王莽可是个人才,四书五经什么都会,国家经济更是说的头头是道,但是新朝在他手下怎么了。。。历史上皇帝是个人才的多的是, 但是国家治理的好的, 还是不能靠皇帝自己的才能,要靠手下的臣属。
作者: logan0323    时间: 2008-2-26 07:55:57

作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-26 07:56:17

I have been an engineer for the past 4years, and now finally got my foot in the Council....trying to setup my connection in the council so when I get out of here I have people in the government that will make the easy money even more easier.
作者: 478    时间: 2008-2-28 20:29:40

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作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-2-28 22:15:44

原帖由 478 于 2008-2-28 20:29 发表
楼主胡说八道,我就在运输公司搞文职工作。长途运输也就是20块出头,而且是夜班,而且长期离家,一年辛苦到头也就5,6万,还得每天工作10小时。而且长途的大卡车,可不是刚入行几年的司机就能让你开的,人家都找 ...

兄台您是什么公司?我根据的是以前我在stresscrete的时候,他们运送precast给我们的收费,machinery mover, NZL的价钱都差不多,我们给他们运送的大都是20吨以上的东西。那么运送precast跟一般货物的司机薪水是否不同我就不知道了。
作者: z-score    时间: 2008-2-29 17:38:20

作者: chu    时间: 2008-3-7 04:17:08

原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-2-21 12:40 发表

bro the merit of the story is..

do it until you are 30 so you have enough capital so you can do something else.

totally agree
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2008-3-7 06:05:58

原帖由 chu 于 2008-3-7 04:17 发表

totally agree

bro I think I mentioned this before...... your signature photo is so HOT. makes me wet everytime I see it.
作者: chu    时间: 2008-3-8 05:13:26

原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-3-7 06:05 发表

bro I think I mentioned this before...... your signature photo is so HOT. makes me wet everytime I see it.

haha,ok,I didn't realize you mean it,I thought it's just another tidy ride for most people,glad you are feeling it
I have loads of pics of Japanese old school cars
love the style so much!!!better than sex

作者: chu    时间: 2008-3-8 05:59:42

btw,see if u like these videoes
imo,it'd be awesome seeing cars in these style cruising on motorway in Auckland

GX71 Chaser

230 Cedric

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