最重要的是你可以从中找到你的卖点,你所学的知识和你的经验最适合什么样的工作。我申请过好多IT的工作,基本上什么position都申请过了,后来学了infosys340(=infosys342 next year ),基本上只要申请graduatedeveloper都会得到interview,从这个我就知道,如果找这样的工作就很好找。
1 month is ok, a lot of graduated for 3 - 4 months and still hasnt got a job.
so, be prepared.作者: 花天堂 时间: 2008-1-31 08:00:50
原帖由 u-will 于 2008-1-31 07:59 发表
yeah... I arrive at work at about 730... need to muck around first.. its like my breakfast... hohohohoho...作者: u-will 时间: 2008-1-31 08:14:46 标题: 回复 #10 花天堂 的帖子
me too, first hour at work is always my happy time.... 作者: 花天堂 时间: 2008-1-31 08:18:12
原帖由 u-will 于 2008-1-31 08:14 发表
me too, first hour at work is always my happy time....
exactly... my boss like to go out for coffee for 1 hour in the morning, so I endup using the net for about 1 hour.. HAPPY TIME.. 作者: u-will 时间: 2008-1-31 08:25:21
my boss is downstairs...as long as i got my job down on time...there will be no problem ...... 作者: z-score 时间: 2008-1-31 08:25:26
原帖由 花天堂 于 2008-1-31 08:18 发表
exactly... my boss like to go out for coffee for 1 hour in the morning, so I endup using the net for about 1 hour.. HAPPY TIME..
哈哈,这样真得很爽.作者: 花天堂 时间: 2008-1-31 08:27:30
原帖由 z-score 于 2008-1-31 08:25 发表
yeah... only thing is I cant type chinese...
and I DONT THINK my company monitor our internet use.... as long as I dont download stuff (fingers crossed + touch wood)作者: 关键词 时间: 2008-1-31 08:33:10
good morning everyone. ....作者: 花天堂 时间: 2008-1-31 08:35:30
原帖由 关键词 于 2008-1-31 08:33 发表
good morning everyone. ....
good morning!~~~作者: z-score 时间: 2008-1-31 08:37:20 标题: Good morning everyone
Location map, opening hours and contact details
Find job vacancies and employers
Writing cover letters
Job interviews
Preparing a CV (Curriculum vitae)
Careers advice
There are a number of ways in which you can get help and advice from our careers consultants. Special careers advice is available for students with disabilities via Disability Services.
Drop in (no appointment necessary)
The Careers Consultant will be able to answer quick careers queries and advise briefly on your CV and cover letter (up to 10 minutes).
Tamaki Campus
When: 12.00pm to 1.00pm Tuesday and Thursday
Where: In the Tamaki Library (look for the blue CV checking banner).
Other services offered at Tamaki Campus
Arts Faculty
When: Tuesday 10am - 12pm
Where: Arts Students' Centre, Room 416 - 418, Human Sciences Building (HSB), 10 Symonds St
Law Faculty
When: Mon 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Where: Community Placement Office, Level 3, Law Faculty
Make an appointment with a Careers Consultant
An appointment can be booked by phone, by email or by calling into the University Careers Centre (contact details below).
These types of appointments can be made:
Career Options Discussion
No career ideas? Some or vague career ideas? Want to discuss your job hunting strategy? A chat with one of our consultants can help. (Appointments last up to 50 minutes)
CV and Cover Letter Advice
In depth advice on your CV and covering letter (appointments last up to 30 minutes)
Practice Interview
A chance to practice answering the sorts of interview questions asked by graduate employers (appointments last up to 30 minutes)
Career Voyage Consultation
Careers Voyage is a computer programme that helps you identify types of work which matches your interests and preferences (appointments last for approximately 1 hour).
Information on careers and job hunting workshops, career fairs, and employer presentations
Support in your Faculty
Business and Economics
Creative Arts and Industries
Medical and Health Sciences
Postgraduate Students
This service is dedicated to research postgraduates (primarily PhD and Master's students) who have career issues and would like to discuss them.
You can organise a meeting time by contacting the Graduate Centre reception x86899 or email the graduate centre.
The University Careers Centre also runs a number of workshops to help you with your job hunting. Find workshop details here.
Photocopying facilities are available using the University's NetAccount system.