由于塞车,我们还迟到了几分钟才到。当时我还说呢,会不会不给我们桌子了啊,因为下电梯的时候我们前面大概有10几号KIWI,还都是盛装打扮端着酒杯,浩浩荡荡的 。来到counter后,我们等他们先进了那道玻璃门后,我才走过去问那个比较闲的男counter,我说我订了6:30两位在observatory吃饭,然后把我名字给了他。。。
他查了一会,竟然说:"Sorry, r u sure u have successfully booked the table? coz ur name is not on the list."
我倒 然后我又把我的姓给了他又查了一次,这次查完他说:“Oh, Ma'am,ur table is at Orbit, not Observatory."
我再倒 我说我确定我当时订的是observatory啊,而且我不但收到了confirmation email,还收到你们的电话呢,是个叫Angela的女生打的。
这时,他旁边另一个女counter(她是中国人)本来正在serve别人呢,突然放下耳机冲我来了一句:"Angela does not work for observatory."这句话的语气和她的眼神让我感觉:你至于那么生气吗?难道说我没事找事,自己没预定瞎跑来“白撞”的啊?
然后那个男counter打了电话上去问,observatory说可以给我加一个桌子,那男的就给我写了张卡,table number上画了个大问号,让我上去。
我当时其实要是不多嘴就算了,可惜啊我还是多嘴问了句:have i successfully booked my table at observatory?
男的回答说:NO。说我可能订错地方了。其实这也就算了,没啥好犟的,上去就得了呗~可那女的又来劲了,直接凑过来跟我说肯定是我订错了,Angela是Orbit的人,她不可能能拿到Observatory的Booking form的。我再次解释:我说我真的是book的observatory的,我发誓!!!而且我还接到了她电话呢,我说我现在都可以把邮箱开给你看。从头到尾,这个女counter对我的态度就是上下打量+不屑+面部僵硬没笑容,死活说是我弄错了
这时我BF的脸已经开始沉了~我也没心情了~我就说了句:Can u refund me the parking ticket? i don't want to have dinner here tonite.
好了,经典的来了:Sorry, I can't do the refund without permission, and you're not allowed to validate ur parking ticket without having dinner in Skytower BY LAW. amd I've told that I got a table for u guys, u just go upstairs and enjoy it, why u still arguing?
她100个不情愿地打电话上去了,解释了一通,她那语气完全认为我俩是白痴~我估计她当时正后悔自己也是中国人吧~当然可能也在庆幸自己没暴露自己是中国人 打完电话就请我们去坐了。这一坐坐了一刻钟,直到counter一个客人都没有了,她更趴在桌上画起了小人儿。
我又过去问,我说能稍微快点吗?她又当我面打了次,这次她直接和MANAGER说话了。解释了一通,那头说很忙马上下来,然后她很大声地说了句:Fine, It doesn't matter. 我真的是......我很大声地说:IT DOES MATTER。
我就想不明白了,凭什么啊?凭什么在国外这些中国人一做起customer servise就那么“走狗”嘴脸啊?之前被讨论过很多次的中*,etc,身为中国人,我们哪一点比外国人差?他们穿着在Portmans,Max那些店里买的Dress手拿不到10刀的香摈,脚上穿着No.1 Shoes买的高跟鞋就成高等人群了?我家不是有钱人,但也是有头有脸了,国内外的5星酒店我去过不下20家了,我是哪点让你不满意了?我又不是英文不好,又不是穿了拖鞋夹份报纸就进你们酒店了,又不是没订位瞎跑来胡闹......凭什么你就这副嘴脸呢?转过头看见老外就点头哈腰,满脸堆笑的
Dear Chloe
We are pleased to confirm your table at The Observatory Restaurant on 07 December 2007 , 6.30 pm for 2 person's). If you need to contact us about a change in your reservation, or special needs, please call us at 0800 SKYCITY (0800 759 2489) if calling from outside of Auckland, (09) 363 6000 if calling within Auckland or by return email. Please note that: - Dinner - Adults $59.00, Children $4.00 per year of age (up to and including 12 years) - Lunch - Adults $39.50, Children $3.00 per year of age (up to and including 12 years) - All bookings prior to and including 7:15pm carry a two-hour dining time. - The cost of dining includes the Sky Tower entry fee and you may visit the Observation Deck and Sky Lounge half an hour prior to and upon completion of your meal. Car Parking: Please be advised that the parking ticket you will receive from the machine on entry to SKYCITY Car park will need to be taken to the restaurant with you. When paying for your meal, please present the car park ticket to the cashier, who will then validate your ticket for you. By Validating your ticket, you will be entitled to the discounted rate for SKYCITY customers. The staff at The Observatory Restaurant look forward to seeing you and trust that you will enjoy your visit.
Kind Regards
Angela Asekona l Reservations Coordinator l SKYCITY Auckland LimitedTel +64 9 363 6000 l Fax +64 9 363 6383 l Web www.skycity.co.nzP Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
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还记得昨天临走时那个中国MANAGER竟然还跟我说:I really apologise on behalf of her(她指了指那个女counter)。然后说:She's only the coordinator of the restaurant, her duty is just answering phones and checking availability for customers.
但是作为顾客,我们见到的代表一个餐厅的第1个就是前台啊,这不是更应该要求素质了吗?作者: 3-zero 时间: 2007-12-8 14:00:04
拜托 臭脸就不要做front 好不好
不就一resturant么 拽个什么劲儿呵
b t w, 忽略spelling, and corrections are welcome.作者: lelexiaoxiao 时间: 2007-12-9 15:55:07