
标题: 题库!!156100第2次考试题目历年总结!(有更新) [打印本页]

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 20:49:48     标题: 题库!!156100第2次考试题目历年总结!(有更新)

Discuss each level of the “PSSP” hierarchy of needs. Use example for each level to illustrate your answer, and show how some companies have tried to appeal to each need.       197  

It is stated that people would seek to satisfy their needs in order of importance; the PSSP hierarchy of needs is easy to apply to consumer behavior, which are stead for physiological, safety, social and personal needs, which include esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Physiological needs are concerned with biological factors such as food, drink, rest and sex. Safety needs are concerned with protection and physical wellbeing (perhaps involving health, food, medicine and exercise). Social needs are       concerned with love, friendship, status and esteem-issues that involve a person’s interactions with others. Esteem needs are personal needs for satisfaction, such as the need for fun, freedom, relaxation, self-respect and status. Self-actualization needs are personal needs for accomplishment and self-fulfillment.

Motivation theory suggests that human beings never reach a state of complete satisfaction. As soon as lower level needs are reasonably satisfied, those at higher levels become more dominant. This explains why marketing efforts targeted at affluent consumers in countries with advanced economies often focus on higher level needs. It also explains why these approaches may not be effective in many parts of the world where consumers’ most basic needs have not been met.

It is also important to recognize that a particular product may also satisfy more than one need simultaneously. For instance, a BMW could be satisfying a basic need for transportation at the physiological level but, it could also be fulfilling a need for safety, even the social needs, because the car being perceived as a status symbol.

Name three types of media used for advertising and give an advantage and disadvantage of each.   489

Television: large audiences,  cross section of population, enables repetition, uses sight, motion and sound, promotes images.
Is costly, can not communicate in depth, audience may be distracted.

Radio wide audiences, portable segmentation possible, enables repetition cheap flexible
Low credibility, creatively limited (Sound only) often a secondary activity

Internet: flexible (any time) can build motion, sound and lots of information interactive
Access to only 30 percent of households, biased towards men, young consumers requires maintenance.

Explain the difference in meaning between product and braind. Give examples of each to illustrate your answer.   264      275

Products are the need satisfying offerings of a company. It is consists of goods and services. Goods, like a computer, a chair. Services may refer to a haircut.
Branding means the use of a name, term, symbol of design, or a combination of these, to identify a product. It includes the use of brand names, trademarks and practically all other means of product identification. Eg. a little right mark  NIKE words.

Product involves goods and services that for sell, the aim is to satisfy the customers’ needs: Brands is a mark of a company. Consumers often rely on the brand loyalty as an indication of quality for infrequent purchases. Brand also give convenience to the market sell.

Packaging can be important to both sellers and customers. Describe and give examples of three possible functions of packaging.   281

Packaging involves promoting, protecting and enhancing the product and can be important to both sellers and customers.

Packaging can differentiate product from others goods, so consumers will buy it. Eg A better box, wrapper, may create customer satisfaction and may even open up a new market. ( promoting)  eg. Perfume in crystal bottle

Protecting  , make product easy to use or store, prevent damage. Eg. The container of drink.

Enhancing; improve basic product make it more convenient and safer to use eg. Cleaning detergent containers is designed for childproof

Name the four stages of the product lifecycle as described in our textbook. Describe typical changes in marketing variables over the product lifecycle.  296

The product life cycle describes the states that a new product goes through from beginning to end. The cycle has four major states: market introduction, market growth, and market maturity and sales decline.

In the market introduction state, sales are low. As a new idea is first introduced to a market. Usually marked by losses. There has much expenditures been generated from research and product development, Before a product is even introduced to the market, Following market introduction, there is an initial need for substantial investment in promotion, place development and product refinement. This expenditure is being invested in the expectation of future profits.

In the market growth state, industry sales grow quickly; industry profits rise and then begin to fall. This is the time that company earning supernormal profit, however, the highest profits attract new competitors entry the market and grab the market shares. As the competition increases, industry profits begin to decline.

The market maturity stage occurs when industry sales level off and competition increases. As more competitors entry the market, competition cost increase greatly and some competitors cut prices to attract business. Usually, company only can earning normal profit at this stage and less efficient companies can not compete and withdraw form the market. This is a long run down ward pressure on prices. Again, promotion is critical and at the state persuasive promotion is needed.

During the sales decline stage, new products replace current offerings. As the new products move through the introduction stage, the old ones may retain some sales by appealing to loyal customers or to those who are slow to trial new ideas.

Name the five stages in the new product development process and briefly describe the tasks in each.    309

NEW product development process moving logically through five steps: idea generation, screening, idea evaluation, development, and commercialization.

Idea generation, new idea can customers and users, marketing research, competitors, other markets, company people, intermediaries,

Screening: evaluating new ideas using product market screening criteria. Which involves analysis the strengths and weaknesses and review of the objectives of the company.
Fit with objectives                    market trends                        rough ROI estimate

Idea evaluation:  when an idea passes the screening step, it is evaluated more thoroughly.
Concept testing  reactions from customers, rough estimates of cost, sales and profits.

Development: R and D develop model or service prototype, test marketing mix revise plans as needed. ROI estimate

Commercialization: finalized product and marketing plan start production and marketing  “roll out’ in select markets final ROI estimate.

Identify three levels of distribution intensity and give an example of a product that might benefit from each level of distribution intensity  337

Intensive distributions: selling a product through all responsible and suitable wholesalers or retailers willing to stock and sell the product. (McDonald’s share)
Selective distribution: selling through only those intermediaries willing to devote special attention to the product. ( clothing of some brand –Jeanswest)  more popular
Exclusive distribution: selling through only one intermediary in a particular geographic area.(chocolate bar)

Compare and contrast price skimming and penetration pricing   398
Price skimming policy aims sell to the top of a market or the top of the demand curve at a high price before aiming at more price sensitive customers. Skimming may maximize profits in the market introduction stage for a true innovation, eg. Early mobile telephone sellers, such as Motorola and NEC, skimmed the marktet with an average price of more than 2000usd in 1987, targeting professionals and affluent consumers. The average price has now fallen to below500 usd, appealing to a larger segment of users.(company tries to sell at a high price before aiming at more price sensitive consumers.)

Penetration pricing represents an attempt to sell to the whole market at one low price. IE; Mountain Made Apple Max, a  100 pure apple juice, was introduced to the market at a low introductory price of 1.99, which increased to 4.19 a few weeks after the launch.

Compare leader pricing and bait pricing.  409   435
Bait pricing involve setting low prices on some products to attract customers, but trying to sell more expensive models or brands once customers are in the store. Bait pricing is similar to leader pricing. The seller does not plan to sell many items at the low price or may even limit the amount available for sale. Eg  a store advertises a color Tv set for 299. When bargain hunters come to the store, it is illegal for sales assistants to disparage the low priced tv or claim that particular model has sold out early, and attempt to convince customers to trade up to a more expensive set.

Leader pricing involves setting some very low price, to attract customers into retail stores. The aim is not only to sell large quantities of the leader items, but to attract customers into the store to buy other products. Eg Supermarkets advertise Coke on “special” for one week and Pepsi for another week, but they are rarely advertised in the same week.

Price fixing: competitors illegally getting together to raise or stabilize prices.

Describe push strategy and pull strategy?  465
Push strategy involves using normal marketing communications efforts, such as personal selling, advertising and sales promotion, to help communicate the whole marketing mix to members of the distribution channel. This approach emphasizes the importance of building a channel and securing the channel to the final user.

Pull marketing communication strategy is regardless of what method of marketing communications a company uses to obtain assistance from channel members or employees in pushing a product, many producers also focus a significant amount of marketing communications on customers at the end of the channel. Stimulating demand for the company’s offering can help to pull the product through the channel of distribution.(using markeintg communications focused on consumers; aiming at getting them to ask intermediaries for the product.)

Pulling and pushing are usually used in combination/

What is “media mix”489?
It is a promotion media , include newspaper, magizine, radio, Tv outdoor, cinema, internet.can use a single or combination of them to promotion according  to the promotion objective, nature of media , fund available.

Discuss 3 types of problem solving behaviors. 206

3 types of problem solving behaviors can apply to any kind of product.
Extensive problem solving is common when a need is completely new or particularly important to a consumer and much effort is taken to decide how to satisfy the need. Eg. A music lover who wants to buy a MP3 with out knowing what to buy. After talking with friends to find out about good retailers, he might visit several stores to obtain information about different brands and their features. After some thought about his needs, the consumer might buy a portable SONY unit that could be used in everywhere.

Limited problem soling occurs when a consumer is willing to devote some effort to deciding on the best way to satisfy a need. Limited problem solving is typical when a consumer has some previous experience in solving a particular problem, but is not certain which choice is best at the current time. I E  if our music lover wants some new CD for the player, already knowing his own preferences in music,. Then , might visit a familiar store to check what CDs are in stock  featuring these favorite types of music

Routine response behavior is when consumers regularly select a particular way of satisfying a need when it occurs. Routine response behavior is typical when a consumer has considerable experience in how to meet a need. IE our music lover might routinely buy the latest recording by a favorite band as soon as it is available.

Discuss the factors that might influence the consumer's buying decision.P203-P204 (不确定)

Describe “direct distribution” and “indirect distribution”. Use examples to illustrate your answer  Direct distribution occurs when a product deals directly with consumers or end users. Companies such as Shopfast and Nutri-Metics Prefer to distribute directly to the end user or consumers. They Believe that they can serve target customers at a lower cost or perform more effectively than intermediaries.   Indirect distribution occurs when the producer uses intermediaries to reach consumers or end users. For example : DickSmith as a local electrical wholesaler. The only practical way for a manufacturer of electrical supplies to reach most electrical contractors is through a wholesaler.  

Explain briefly the tasks that the following types of sales people may be required to do, according to our textbook. Order getter, order taker, supporting sales person.  Order-getter: Obtain new business and establish relationships with new customers. Obtain further business from established customers.   Order-taker: Maintain business with existing customers. Handle relatively routine sales situation- accept orders placed by customers, or secure orders from customers. Ongoing follow-up ensuring satisfaction and maintenance of the relationship.   Supporting salespeople: Help order salespeople, but do not try to obtain orders. Activities aimed at enhancing customer relationships and developing sales in long run. Ambassadors of goodwill who provide specialized services and information.  (16章的内容,这次考试只到13,考的机会不大~)

[ 本帖最后由 竹木春秋 于 2005-9-14 11:37 编辑 ]
作者: solomonliu    时间: 2005-9-13 20:50:57

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作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 20:52:17

原帖由 solomonliu 于 2005-9-13 20:50 发表

作者: Bing    时间: 2005-9-13 20:52:20

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 20:53:00

原帖由 Bing 于 2005-9-13 20:52 发表

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 20:53:55

作者: hongshi258    时间: 2005-9-13 20:54:29

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作者: 雨下    时间: 2005-9-13 20:55:08

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 20:56:26


[ 本帖最后由 竹木春秋 于 2005-9-27 00:29 编辑 ]
作者: solomonliu    时间: 2005-9-13 21:05:44

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作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 21:06:55

原帖由 solomonliu 于 2005-9-13 21:05 发表


作者: solomonliu    时间: 2005-9-13 21:08:06

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作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 21:10:37

原帖由 solomonliu 于 2005-9-13 21:08 发表

这么说起来。。。你不会就是当年跟我在QUEEN ST上拔刀互砍的那个人吧。。。。

作者: solomonliu    时间: 2005-9-13 21:12:46

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作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 21:15:14

原帖由 solomonliu 于 2005-9-13 21:12 发表

作者: fanncy    时间: 2005-9-13 21:23:25

原帖由 竹木春秋 于 2005-9-13 20:53 发表

作者: perfum    时间: 2005-9-13 22:26:19

作者: SUNのDAY    时间: 2005-9-13 22:29:08

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-13 22:38:24

作者: 我是谁?    时间: 2005-9-14 00:03:14

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-14 00:21:18

原帖由 我是谁? 于 2005-9-14 00:03 发表

作者: WIN神    时间: 2005-9-14 01:05:17

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-14 01:10:22

原帖由 WIN神 于 2005-9-14 01:05 发表

作者: WIN神    时间: 2005-9-14 01:12:17

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-14 01:13:10

原帖由 WIN神 于 2005-9-14 01:12 发表

作者: turtlelee    时间: 2005-9-14 01:13:32

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-14 01:14:45

原帖由 turtlelee 于 2005-9-14 01:13 发表

作者: coldplay    时间: 2005-9-14 10:45:02

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-14 10:47:37

[quote]原帖由 coldplay 于 2005-9-14 10:45 发表
作者: SUNのDAY    时间: 2005-9-14 11:37:15

作者: Mayson    时间: 2005-9-14 12:09:56

這個 帖子要頂上去 !!!
作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-14 13:39:46

作者: WIN神    时间: 2005-9-14 15:52:57

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-14 18:22:16

作者: coldplay    时间: 2005-9-14 20:36:08

作者: fenglin    时间: 2005-9-14 21:46:51

感谢竹木,  看来下个星期又要熬夜了.
作者: 无为而无不为    时间: 2005-9-14 23:25:56

作者: 骄傲的小鸡    时间: 2005-9-18 13:52:55     标题: 好贴。。。。快顶啊

作者: 明月心    时间: 2005-9-18 13:54:08

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-18 17:09:03

作者: fanncy    时间: 2005-9-18 17:10:29

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2005-9-18 17:14:06

原帖由 fanncy 于 2005-9-18 17:10 发表

作者: turtlelee    时间: 2005-9-19 18:09:23

当然需要了阿  哈哈哈~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
作者: Gooden123    时间: 2005-9-20 00:25:51

作者: chichi    时间: 2005-9-21 19:36:51

作者: yuyuzhang    时间: 2005-9-21 21:49:34     标题: 为啥不让顶?

原帖由 竹木春秋 于 2005-9-13 20:56 发表

顶你的贴还不好么? by mc
作者: fanncy    时间: 2005-9-23 22:10:03

作者: 杨忆儿    时间: 2006-1-6 15:48:14

作者: 爱有晴天_我爱你    时间: 2006-1-6 23:26:27

作者: 5566786    时间: 2007-5-15 18:34:01

作者: HAHANZ    时间: 2007-5-15 19:31:58

作者: 太阳包子    时间: 2007-5-17 01:57:43

作者: jack521521    时间: 2009-3-22 16:56:18


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