·What type of leave you want
·When you want the leave to start, and how long the period of leave will be.
·The dates on which you and your spouse/partner plan to start and finish each period of leave
·Your spouse/partner’s name and, if they are an employee, the name and address of their employer
·That you and your spouse/partner are both eligible for the leave you are applying for
·That the total amount of leave you and your spouse/partner are taking will not be more than 52 weeks (not counting any partner’s/paternity leave taken).
The reply should state:
·Whether you are entitled to take parental leave, and if not, the reasons why not
·The main legal rights and obligations you have, particularly those relating to when you can start your leave
·Whether or not the job can be kept open. If it can’t, the letter should explain that you are able to dispute that, and will have preference for similar jobs for six months after the end of your parental leave.
3.如果你得到了批准,你可以向IRD申请,表格可以从 www.ers.dol.govt.nz下载,
或拨打0800 20 90 20向 Department of Labour索取。
2.Paid parental leave transfer to an employee IR881(如果你的产假薪水要转帐到你的PARTNER那里)
http://www.ird.govt.nz/forms-guides/title/forms-p/ir889-form-ppl-transfer-to-self-emp.html?id=righttabs欢迎光临 新西兰天维网社区 (http://bbs.skykiwi.com/) | Powered by Discuz! X2 |