第一个面试是学校的那份,三个人,没有问太多生活方面,很注重能力,有几个关于电脑的问题答的不是很好,不过很多问题也在我想象之中,他们侧中在我的CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILL和COMMUNICATION SKILL.最后有提到薪水,接近40K,当时听到差点昏过去,对于刚毕业的人来说,至少对我来说,觉得很高了.有个朋友做编程的,起薪也不过30K,一年后才涨到40.
CAREER SERVICE的网址:www.careers.govt.nz
Our services include workshops and one-on-one work to help with:
CV preparation
Job searching in New Zealand
Writing covering and introduction letters
Interview techniques and preparation
Understanding of cultural differences in New Zealand workplaces
Understanding and negotiating employment agreements
P.S. career service 地址:
North Shore City
Level 5, Global Group House
19-21 Como Street
PO Box 33-1647
Phone: (09) 489-2299
Fax: (09) 489-2212
Manukau City
Level 1, ANZ Building
3 Osterley Way
PO Box 76-306
Manukau City
Phone: (09) 262-4250
Fax: (09) 262-4251作者: prayer914 时间: 2007-7-8 21:00:32