
标题: XTRA GO LARGE 实际p2p 下载速度调查。 [打印本页]

作者: nzrover    时间: 2007-2-4 12:49:18     标题: XTRA GO LARGE 实际p2p 下载速度调查。

XTRA GO LARGE 实际p2p 下载速度调查。

[ 本帖最后由 nzrover 于 2007-2-4 12:50 编辑 ]
作者: nzrover    时间: 2007-2-4 13:40:20

作者: ymj1125    时间: 2007-2-5 03:19:46

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作者: ゛﹏马文    时间: 2007-2-5 08:07:03

作者: nzrover    时间: 2007-2-5 08:49:46

作者: CWF895    时间: 2007-2-5 11:08:38


[ 本帖最后由 CWF895 于 2007-2-5 11:09 编辑 ]
作者: 傑    时间: 2007-2-5 12:02:31

Go Large is having throughput issues.  Been like that since Go Large came out, and they're continuing their tests to apparently "fix" the issue... but personally more like fu*k it up more
作者: wyf0617    时间: 2007-2-5 16:53:23

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作者: 本来    时间: 2007-2-6 17:00:48

原帖由 wyf0617 于 2007-2-5 15:53 发表
emule 夜里速度能达到100K多,白天肯定不行

作者: 本来    时间: 2007-2-6 17:02:38

emule设置无非就几步,1: 映射端口;2:改TCP连接数 3:适当的限制上传速度

[ 本帖最后由 本来 于 2007-2-6 16:03 编辑 ]
作者: m.g8    时间: 2007-2-7 18:24:27

作者: 飞鱼干    时间: 2007-2-8 04:14:48

PS: 以上情况属正常情况,种子少就不说了
作者: sunray    时间: 2007-2-9 13:33:39

作者: 三二一    时间: 2007-2-13 20:23:41

作者: nzrover    时间: 2007-2-13 23:34:07

作者: 玫瑰方舟    时间: 2007-2-14 09:06:24

作者: 擅解人衣    时间: 2007-2-14 18:36:45


我的go large早上中午,好的种子,单个文件能上300kbs


作者: nzrover    时间: 2007-2-14 19:34:38

原帖由 擅解人衣 于 2007-2-14 18:36 发表

我的go large早上中午,好的种子,单个文件能上300kbs



请问使用的是什么bt软件。平时bt 种子去哪里找?
作者: 擅解人衣    时间: 2007-2-14 21:48:57


作者: ゛﹏马文    时间: 2007-2-15 06:29:33

原帖由 擅解人衣 于 2007-2-14 21:48 发表


作者: nzrover    时间: 2007-2-15 09:18:38

作者: sunray    时间: 2007-2-15 20:08:34

作者: jasontjl    时间: 2007-2-16 14:01:53

想知道GO SLOW倒底如何??看看这篇文章吧!!
http://www.stuffed.co.nz/index.p ... d=261&Itemid=30
作者: supperkids    时间: 2007-2-22 11:38:54

Go Large customers to be credited

Go Large customers to be credited22 February 2007

We have proactively advised the market today that we will credit customers on our Go Large broadband service following an internal technical review that identified an issue with how internet traffic is being managed on the plan.
The Go Large plan was introduced in October and was one of the firstlarge-scale broadband servicesto feature no monthly cap on the amount customers can download or use when web surfing.
Kevin Bowler, GM Consumer Marketing, said all Go Large customers will be credited for monthly plan charges incurred since 8 December 2006, when the issue arose, through to the end of February 2007.
Currently with around 60,000 customers on the Go Large service, the refunds are expected to total $7.5- 8.5 million.
Credits will vary depending on how long a customer has been on Go Large. For a customer who has been using the plan since 8 December and is still on the plan, the credit is expected to be between $130 and $160.
"Following customer feedback, our own review has shown that the process involved in managing Go Large internet traffic since early December is not what was originally intended or communicated to customers."
The issue is specific to the Go Large plan, which accounts for less than 10% of the total number of customers using broadband services.
Go Large was promoted as having traffic management applied to certain applications, but since December the traffic management process has affected all forms of activity.
"Clearly it is not an ideal situation and therefore we are crediting Go Large customers for plan charges incurred during this period," Mr Bowler said.
We will be contacting Go Large customers directly in the next two weeks and automatically crediting their accounts during March or April. Customers do not need to apply or do anything to receive it.
We have also decided to temporarily stop signing up new customers onto the Go Large plan until we have completed further reviews into the service.
All existing Go Large customers will have the option to stay on the plan with a revised traffic management policy, to change to other broadband plans if they wish or cancel their service.
"In this instance with the Go Large plan our internal technical review showed we had made an error and we believe that we are doing the right thing by crediting customers."

作者: 小黑里奥    时间: 2007-2-24 18:06:30

我的bt下载最快没超过20k eMule最快没超过15k...
作者: 情有独钟    时间: 2007-12-20 15:48:20

我连国内付费的FTP下载都给限制了,只有5K-10K, BT和电驴就更别想了,电费都不值下载一部片子的
作者: 情有独钟    时间: 2007-12-20 15:52:25

记得当时telecom取消go large的时候,美其名曰他们会改的很好,现在想想应该他们是在想办法怎么限制我们下载速度吧
作者: 蓝色敏骑    时间: 2007-12-20 21:01:41

作者: fenglinbo    时间: 2007-12-21 15:04:31

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作者: jameszrp    时间: 2007-12-25 12:42:11

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 擅解人衣    时间: 2007-12-26 18:55:49

We have proactively advised the market today that we will credit customers on our Go Large broadband service following an internal technical review that identified an issue with how internet traffic is being managed on the plan.
The Go Large plan was introduced in October and was one of the firstlarge-scale broadband servicesto feature no monthly cap on the amount customers can download or use when web surfing.
Kevin Bowler, GM Consumer Marketing, said all Go Large customers will be credited for monthly plan charges incurred since 8 December 2006, when the issue arose, through to the end of February 2007.
Currently with around 60,000 customers on the Go Large service, the refunds are expected to total $7.5- 8.5 million.
Credits will vary depending on how long a customer has been on Go Large. For a customer who has been using the plan since 8 December and is still on the plan, the credit is expected to be between $130 and $160.
"Following customer feedback, our own review has shown that the process involved in managing Go Large internet traffic since early December is not what was originally intended or communicated to customers."
The issue is specific to the Go Large plan, which accounts for less than 10% of the total number of customers using broadband services.
Go Large was promoted as having traffic management applied to certain applications, but since December the traffic management process has affected all forms of activity.
"Clearly it is not an ideal situation and therefore we are crediting Go Large customers for plan charges incurred during this period," Mr Bowler said.
We will be contacting Go Large customers directly in the next two weeks and automatically crediting their accounts during March or April. Customers do not need to apply or do anything to receive it.
We have also decided to temporarily stop signing up new customers onto the Go Large plan until we have completed further reviews into the service.
All existing Go Large customers will have the option to stay on the plan with a revised traffic management policy, to change to other broadband plans if they wish or cancel their service.
"In this instance with the Go Large plan our internal technical review showed we had made an error and we believe that we are doing the right thing by crediting customers."

谁给翻译一下?近来xtra go large疯了
作者: lee_ke_vin    时间: 2007-12-29 12:13:44

作者: hungugu    时间: 2008-7-8 16:34:19

作者: gzbee    时间: 2008-7-12 11:15:58

作者: Dolche.com    时间: 2008-7-13 14:36:48

作者: BMW318I    时间: 2008-7-18 16:40:54

XTRA GO LARGE 就xxx是垃圾!!!

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