在新西兰有很多种形式的幼儿园,其中包括kindergarten, play centre, childcare centre, home-based care, kohanga reo, pacific Islands language groups and playgroups.
如果华人的孩子选择幼儿园,一定是选kindergarten, play centre, childcare centre这三种,因为其他的都不太合适。因为home-based care,是一种家庭式的, 就care givers 在家里面帮你照顾孩子,通常年龄上的限制很少。 从2,3 岁到上小学的孩子,都是可以帮你照顾的。价钱方面比较低,因为他们都是用一些贝壳,纸张什么的做成玩具,来给你的孩子玩。很多岛人会选折这种方式。
再说说kohanga reo, pacific Islands language groups and playgroups。这两种有很多相似的地方,前者就是毛利的幼儿园,在建立这种幼儿园之前,毛利人觉得很多毛利孩子不会说自己的毛利语,甚至对自己的文化都不了解,所以才决定建立毛利自己的幼儿园。他们在KOHANGA REO里教毛利儿童毛利语,让儿童们了解自己的文化和风俗。pacific Islands language groups and playgroup 就跟毛利幼儿园很像,都是怕丢失掉自己的语言和文化,才建立起来的。
等到11:30 左右的时候,孩子们就又回到教室里了,因为又要做MAT TIME 了。做完MAT TIME ,跟早茶后一样,洗手换尿片,然后吃午饭。一般午饭都是洋人吃的PASTA,PIE,或者是RICE WITH SOME MEAT。水和水果是必须的,有的时候会有酸奶什么的。(当然这是TODDLERS & young children 吃的,婴儿可能就是牛奶和别的东西了)这里的孩子很多都有asthma,也就是哮喘,所以像奶酪之类的就不能吃。或者是有一些孩子是素食者,幼儿园就会给他们专门做一些东西吃。所以如果您的孩子有些东西不能吃,或吃了会过敏的话,就要事先跟老师说,这样吃饭的时候,老师就会注意了。
吃完午饭就是午睡了。当然如果你的孩子不喜欢睡觉,也可以告诉老师,老师不会强迫孩子睡觉的。睡觉的时候,老师会把窗帘拉好,灯关了,放一些轻柔的音乐,比如twinkle , twinkle , little star, 中文就是《一闪一闪亮晶晶》,我小时侯经常唱的,呵呵。每个孩子睡着了,老师都会记下他们睡觉的时间,等他们醒的时候也要做记录,都是给家长们看自己孩子午睡睡了多久的。
大概一个多小时以后孩子们就会陆续醒了,老师还是会安排各种不同的活动给孩子们。(每个孩子醒的时候,都会有专门的老师给他们换尿片。)但在孩子睡觉期间,任何老师都不会中途把孩子叫醒,因为这个是“early childhood education regulation"中明确规定的。等到2:00左右,就是下午的MAT TIME , 再下来就是afternoon tea, 和早茶吃的东西差不多。这里的幼儿园就是这样,每天都吃好多次,因为是洋人的习惯嘛。吃完了,就到外面活动,如果刚巧下雨,就组织室内活动给小朋友。等到从3:00左右开始,就有PART-TIME的孩子被家长陆续接走了。一般FULL-TIME的到4:00左右也开始接孩子了。有的家长下班比较晚也没关系,因为在5:30的时候,老师还是会安排没走的孩子吃些东西,以免饿坏孩子们。到了6:00,所有的孩子就都回家了,老师也就下班了。
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Street Address: 10 Herdman Street
Suburb: Waterview
City/Town: Auckland City
Phone Number: (09) 828 1467
Fax Number:
Email: contact@akkindergarten.org.nz
St Johns Kindergarten
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3 - 5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity:
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio:
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Street Address: 70 Bayview Road
Suburb: Glenfield
Belmont-Bayswater Kindergarten
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1 : 15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Age Groups: 3-5 years
enrol at 2
Opening Hours: morning: 3hrs Mon-Fri
afternoon: 2hrs/3 times a week
Licenced Capacity: varies, but usually
45 children per session
Sessions: morning: 4-5 years
afternoon: 3-4 years
Staff Ratio: 1:15
Costs: by donation only
Albany Community Preschool Albany (09) 415 9690
Apple Tree Child Care Centre Glenfield (09) 443 4920
Bayview Early Learning Centre Glenfield (09) 443 8144
Bear Park Albany Albany (09) 415 9833
Brown Bear Educare Birkdale (09) 482 0840
Childspace Learning Centre Birkenhead (09) 418 1466
City Impact After School Care Browns Bay (09) 477 0308
City Impact Childcare Centre Browns Bay (09) 476 6040
Creative Kids Childcare Beach Haven (09) 483 7489
Educare (Glenfield) Glenfield (09) 444 7542
Educare Preschool Glenfield (09) 444 7543
Forrest Hill Childcare Centre Forrest Hill (09) 410 8803
Glenfield Leisure Centre Glenfield (09) 444 6340
Glenpark Child Care Centre Glenfield (09) 418 3621
Highbury Community House Inc. Northcote (09) 480 1402
Kiddies Incorporated Ltd Takapuna (09) 489 8263
Kids Castle Learning Centre Northcote (09) 419 8206
Kids Inn Nursery Glenfield (09) 444 1934
Kids Inn Nursery and Preschool Glenfield (09) 444 9248
Kids Klub Childcare Centre Glenfield (09) 444 1560
Kids Planet Albany (09) 415 6656
Kindercare Albany Albany (09) 479 2828
Kindercare Belmont Belmont (09) 445 1201
Kindercare Constellation Drive Mairangi Bay (09) 478 8304
Kindercare Milford (Preschool) Milford (09) 486 2626
Kinderhaven Glenfield (09) 444 9154
Kindy Cottage Childcare Mairangi Bay (09) 478 3795
Learning Unlimited Childcare Centre Northcote (09) 480 2732
Lilliput Early Learning Centre Browns Bay (09) 479 3199
Lollipop's Educare Browns Bay Browns Bay (09) 476 4056
Magic Garden East Coast Bays Education Centre Browns Bay (09) 476 1240
Magic Garden North Cross Care & Education Centre Browns Bay (09) 479 1240
Meadowood Community Creche Glenfield (09) 443 5357
Melrose Preschool Centre Devonport (09) 445 2980
Murrays Bay Child Care Centre Murrays Bay (09) 478 6693
North Harbour Preschool Sunnynook (09) 479 2922
Northcote Baptist Childcare centre Northcote (09) 418 0710
Northcote Point Community Creche Northcote Point (09) 480 1280
Nurserydale Childcare Centre Birkdale (09) 483 8273
Peppertree Playhouse Devonport (09) 445 4402
Prodigy Greenhithe Greenhithe (09) 413 9041
Prodigy Sunnynook Sunnynook (09) 410 1261
Rose Centre Community Preschool Belmont (09) 445 9411
Small Wonders Early Childhood Centre Devonport (09) 445 9739
Summerfield Albany (09) 415 6867
Sunnynook Preschool Sunnynook (09) 410 9606
Tiny Tots Child Care Centre Birkenhead (09) 418 2638
TopKidz Early Learning & Childcare Centre (Albany) Albany (09) 414 6433
Tots Corner Northcote (09) 480 7025
auckland childcare centre
Absolutely Positively Kids St Johns (09) 528 7629
Angels Childcare Centre Onehunga (09) 634 8161
Axis Play and Learn Parnell (09) 373 3477
Babes Childcare Centre Royal Oak (09) 625 6834
Babes Plus Preschool Royal Oak (09) 625 0250
Barbara's Place Remuera (09) 522 0341
Barnados New Zealand Freemans Bay (09) 376 7282
Barnardos Family Day Care Mt Roskill (09) 620 5864
Bayfield Early Education Centre Herne Bay (09) 378 8106
Bear Park Mt Eden (Infant/Toddler) Mt Eden (09) 623 5151
Bear Park Mt Eden (Preschool) Mt Eden (09) 623 5150
Bear Park Parnell Parnell (09) 379 3830
Bear Park Remuera (Infant/Toddler) Remuera (09) 520 4060
Bear Park Remuera (Preschool) Remuera (09) 520 6661
Bear Park St Heliers (Nursery) St Heliers (09) 575 7332
Bear Park St Heliers (Preschool) St Heliers (09) 575 4132
Bizzy Kidz Learning Centre St Lukes (09) 815 0454
Bright Beginnings Child / Day care Mt Albert (09) 846 5733
Busby Street Child Care Centre Blockhouse Bay (09) 828 7653
Childrens World Learning Centres Panmure (09) 527 3466
Childsplay Unlimited Hillsborough (09) 627 9041
Chipmunks Mt Roskill Mt Roskill (09) 624 4345
Christopher Robin's Child Care Centre Grey Lynn (09) 378 0748
Church Street Child Care Ltd Otahuhu (09) 276 2894
Collectively Kids Grafton (09) 307 9244
Daystar Child Care Centre Mt Eden (09) 630 5571
Dynamic Kidz Royal Oak (09) 625 4306 More
Eastern Bays Learning Centre Kohimarama (09) 521 0051
Epsom Childcare Centre Epsom (09) 631-5623
Everglade Educare Greenlane (09) 522-9530
Gladstone Park Early Childhood Centre Parnell (09) 377 1150
Glenavon Early Childhood Centre Avondale (09) 820 8012
Grey Lynn Preschool Grey Lynn (09) 376 4039
Heilala Preschool Grey Lynn (09) 376 3055
Hillsborough Preschool Hillsborough (09) 624 1804
Jumpstart Kids Mt Albert (09) 846 8436
Kids @ Play Mt Eden (09) 630 5800
Kids Ahead Early Learning Centre Pt Chevalier (09) 849 7259
Kids Kampus Mt Eden (09) 630 1454 More
Kimberley Child Care Centre Greenlane (09) 520 1252
Kimberley Daycare Centre Greenlane (09) 520 1288
Kindercare Grafton Grafton (09) 309 6559
Kindercare Grey Lynn Grey Lynn (09) 376 5198
Kindercare Kohimarama Kohimarama (09) 528 6671
Kindercare Learning Centre (Quay Tower) Auckland Central (09) 359 9979
Kindercare Learning Centres (Downtown) Auckland Central (09) 358 1550
Kindercare Mt Eden Mt Eden (09) 630 2795
Kindercare Remuera Remuera (09) 520 1825
Kinz in the Park Auckland Central (09) 373 2709
Laura Day Care Centre Mt Albert (09) 849 2923
Learning Curves Childcare Blockhouse Bay (09) 626 3270
Little Dudes Childcare Centre Mt Albert (09) 846 9915
Little Feet Preschool Mt Wellington (09) 525 4365
Little Lights Christian Preschool Grey Lynn (09) 376 3569
LIttle Scholars Early Learning Centre Mt Roskill (09) 624 3266
Lollipop's Educare Greenlane (09) 630 8879
Lollipop's Educare (Auckland City) Auckland Central (09) 309 3626
Lollipops Educare Remuera Remuera (09) 520 0114
Lynfield College Childcare CentreLynfield (09) 626 2464
Mainly Women Kidz Club Newmarket (09) 522 0835
Maungawhau Stepping Stones Mt Eden (09) 631-0300 More
Meadowbank Plunket Preschool Meadowbank (09) 521 9065
Minimarc Childcare Centre Mt Albert (09) 815 1690
Minor Proceedings Auckland Central (09) 358 1270
Mother Hubbards Childcare Waiheke Island (09) 372 6206
Mt Roskill Early Childhood Centre Mt Roskill (09) 629 0732
Onehunga Childcare Centre Onehunga (09) 636 5099
Otahuhu Premier Preschool Learning Centre Otahuhu (09) 276 1679
Paddington Station Preschool (Glendowie) Glendowie (09) 528 8698
Panmure Baptist Childcare Centre Panmure (09) 527 1165
Ponsy Kids Ponsonby ()9) 376 0896
Preschool Centre Irene Grey Lynn (09) 376 2486
Ragamuffins Childcare Centre Onehunga (09) 636 9061
Remuera Preschool Remuera (09) 520 2805
Royal Oak Preschool Royal Oak (09) 625 9061
Small Fry Nursery School St Heliers (09) 575 7809
Small World Advanced Childcare and Learning Centre Remuera (09) 522 2122
St John's College Preschool Meadowbank (09) 521 2704
Stepping Stones Childcare Centre Remuera (09) 529 0114
Strawberry Fields Epsom (09) 623-2785
Strawberry Fields Newmarket (09) 522-7011
Sunshine Child Care Centre Avondale (09) 828 5587
Talented Tots Childcare & Learning Centre Mt Albert (09) 846 5485
Top Tots Daycare Ponsonby (09) 376 6643
Topkidz (Eden Terrace) Eden Terrace (09) 302 3700
TopKidz Early Learning & Childcare Centre Newton (09) 379 0720
Toybox Childcare Centre Royal Oak (09) 634 7221
Waiheke Community Childcare Waiheke Island (09) 372 6115
Waipuna Childcare and Preschool Mt Wellington (09) 570 5277
Waterview Childcare Centre Waterview (09) 828 7872
Wiremu Community Childcare Mt Eden (09) 638 6616