6.Structure of the business (please tick):
Sole trader
Limited liability company
If sole trader or partnership:
Name(s) and address(es) of owners/partners:
7.Nature of business activities:
8.Is the business a registered company?
9.If so, what is registered name of the company, when was it first registered and who is/are the director(s) and what are their addresses?
10.Number of employees:
11.Name of employees and their job titles:
12.Names and dates of birth of all employees:
13.Names and dates of birth of all other non-New Zealand citizens or residents to whom the business has offered employment in the past:
14.Job tile of XXX(your name)’s position:
15.Why are you employing XXX(your name)
16.If this is not a new position, who held it before and why did that person leave?
17.If this is a new position, why it is needed?
18.How did you first make contact with XXX(your mane)?
19.Have you been paid or offered any other inducement to employ XXX(your name)? (这是我认为最有毛病的一个问题,谁要是答yes,我也算是真服了)
20.Has the position been created in order to help XXX(your name) obtain residence?
I declare that the information I have provide in this questionnaire is true. I am aware every person commits an offence against the Immigration Act 1987 who without reasonable excuse produces or surrenders any document or supplies any information to an immigration office knowing that it is false or misleading in any material respect.