For FY 2023, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reported over 483,000 H-1B registrations, a substantial increase of approximately 57% compared to the previous year. This rise underscores the high demand for H-1B visas, especially among skilled foreign workers. Indian nationals continued to represent the largest group among applicants, constituting around 74% of the total H-1B registrations. Other prominent countries included China, which held the second-largest share, and countries like Canada, South Korea, and the Philippines following in smaller percentages 作者: 匿名 时间: 2024-11-1 06:46:01
Don't show off your English, Ok? If you like, we may talk in English.
辩论的问题是什么? 是我认为理想的国度是"不上班,吃喝不愁福利高,天天旅游,house几百亩地"?还是你"看来“生活还过的下去,可以自由表达看法,有比较公允的法治,护照通行度高,这个基础就可以了,其他要开心境"? 什么叫生活还过的下去? 什么的标准? 那地方/国家公认的? 作者: 匿名 时间: 2024-11-1 19:31:18