
标题: 父母团聚移民里面的 section 49 (1) 条款含义 [打印本页]

作者: mantis    时间: 2024-1-9 22:29:52     标题: 父母团聚移民里面的 section 49 (1) 条款含义

哪位专业人士能解释一下 父母团聚移民里面的 Ensurong your maintenance (looking  after the costs of essential provisions for your health and welfare while your are in NZ)  这个条款里面说的 health 指的都有哪些? 去医院看个头疼脑热的是否也是禁忌, 另外 老年人的super gold card 和免费公交卡算不算是welfare?  谢谢。

作者: Ben Wu 1997    时间: 2024-1-11 20:59:49

作者: mantis    时间: 2024-1-13 08:45:34

谢谢楼上的回复, 昨天问了移民官, 他表示解释不了,没有条款,重大疾病需要自己解决,普通病可以正常享受工签待遇。他也不能确定,感觉就是没有具体规定。老人卡他也不能确定,让我问super gold card 部门。回答了个寂寞。
作者: AndrewAUT    时间: 2024-1-13 09:12:40

mantis 发表于 2024-1-13 08:45
谢谢楼上的回复, 昨天问了移民官, 他表示解释不了,没有条款,重大疾病需要自己解决,普通病可以正常享受 ...


Your parents will need to be 65+ years old, and have Permanent Resident Visa 1st,
and then fill up the form + all required documents,
and you will get the Gold Cards in 10 business working dates if satisfy all the above requirements.
作者: mantis    时间: 2024-1-13 22:03:39

AndrewAUT 发表于 2024-1-13 09:12

Your parents will need to be 65+ years old, an ...

还真是的, 没注意看, 谢谢
作者: Mountain Viewer    时间: 2024-2-23 10:21:17

作者: mantis    时间: 2024-3-3 07:15:49

Mountain Viewer 发表于 2024-2-23 10:21
移民局只能给个纲领性的要求,但是具体实施要看实施该事项的部门或者机 ...

好的, 感谢回复
作者: goodzyw    时间: 2024-3-7 23:37:12

Ben Wu 1997 发表于 2024-1-11 20:59

不需要吧, 都是居民了。难道连普通的工签都不如
这样的话  和以后的5年旅游签有啥区别吗,谁还费那么大精力去抽签申请
作者: Mountain Viewer    时间: 2024-3-8 09:10:48

本帖最后由 Mountain Viewer 于 2024-3-8 09:44 编辑
goodzyw 发表于 2024-3-7 23:37
不需要吧, 都是居民了。难道连普通的工签都不如
这样的话  和以后的5年旅游签有啥区别吗,谁还费那么大 ...


F4.45 Conditions of a resident visa granted under the Parent Category
(a) A resident visa granted under the Parent Category is subject to the condition, that the sponsor(s) of the visa holder meet their obligations as set out at R4.10 for 10 years from the visa holder’s first day as a resident in New Zealand.
(b) The multiple entry travel conditions on a resident visa granted under the Parent Category must be valid for 10 years from the visa holder’s first day as a resident in New Zealand.

R4.10 Sponsorship undertakings
(a) Sponsorship creates a responsibility for the sponsor to ensure the sponsored person has accommodation, maintenance while in New Zealand, and outward travel.
(b) The undertakings for which a sponsor is responsible, and in relation to which a debt is recoverable from the sponsor, are:
     (i) accommodation, meaning suitable accommodation for the sponsored person in New Zealand, where the sponsored person does not have the means for their own accommodation; and
     (ii) maintenance, meaning the reasonable costs of essential provisions needed for the sponsored person’s health and welfare in New Zealand, where they do not have the means for these. This may include but is not limited to food, clothing and medical treatment where required; and
     (iii) repatriation, meaning any costs associated with the sponsored person leaving New Zealand at the end of the sponsorship period if the person: does not have the means for their own repatriation (or refuses to pay for it); or is liable for deportation.
     (iv) deportation, meaning any costs that are incurred during the sponsorship period in relation to the sponsored person’s deportation, which could include the costs of locating, detaining and maintaining the person, and their travel costs in being deported.
(c) A visa holder themselves may have the means to fund their own maintenance, accommodation, and outward travel. However, if they do not, or refuse to, the sponsor is required to either provide these themselves directly or pay for the cost of providing them.
作者: talkaboutvision    时间: 2024-3-8 09:54:07

Mountain Viewer 发表于 2024-3-8 09:10

F4.45 ...

作者: Mountain Viewer    时间: 2024-3-8 11:11:55

talkaboutvision 发表于 2024-3-8 09:54

作者: goodzyw    时间: 2024-3-8 23:56:29

Mountain Viewer 发表于 2024-3-8 11:11
移民局只能给个纲领性的要求,但是具体实施要 ...

这样就很奇怪, 公共医疗能用吗 , 老人金卡能用吗 , 如果都不能用,说白了那就是一个10年的长期的旅游签,如果有幸活过10年,才能成为真正意义上的永久居留。
作者: nb0580    时间: 2024-3-9 09:44:42

goodzyw 发表于 2024-3-8 23:56
这样就很奇怪, 公共医疗能用吗 , 老人金卡能用吗 , 如果都不能用,说白了那就是一个10年的长期的旅游 ...

作者: mantis    时间: 2024-3-12 22:45:22

感谢以上大家回复, 基本上明白了。
作者: lkj-17    时间: 2024-3-17 15:44:22

gold 可以 常驻65+ 居民就ok 直接申请就可以
作者: Filibuster    时间: 2024-3-24 19:27:59

lkj-17 发表于 2024-3-17 15:44
gold 可以 常驻65+ 居民就ok 直接申请就可以

作者: Joy1224    时间: 2024-6-5 21:46:50

Filibuster 发表于 2024-3-24 18:27

不需要,RV就可以。官网写的很清楚,residence class visa

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