angelee123 发表于 2023-11-8 09:05
XYZ88 发表于 2023-11-8 10:54
新马甸甸 发表于 2023-11-8 13:30
With the solarZero Refer-a-Friend programme, you can share your unique URL or shortcode with friends and family to refer them to solarZero You’ll earn a $1000 cash reward each time one of them goes on to have solarZero installed.
夜雨的陪伴 发表于 2023-11-8 16:37
有一千刀现金的佣金,有没存在把黑说成白的可能? ...
solarZero gives Kiwi homeowners an affordable way to go solar without paying for the system upfront, using a subscription service, with a fixed monthly fee starting from $85+GST per month.
The subscription fee price ranges from $95 - $180 per month +GST and will equate to 75% of your energy costs. This price is fixed, no other energy provider is guaranteeing to fix the price of 75% of your electricity.
孤独的爱 发表于 2023-11-8 13:43
发此贴目的就是想看看有没有已经安装过的朋友到底是个怎样的情况。不吹不黑。 ...
auckland.clark 发表于 2023-11-8 21:48
说是没有省多少电费,在电箱那里装有蓄电池。 ...
shiyeye_ying 发表于 2023-11-9 09:57
Sorry no Chinese, what power company are you with? only 0.19c? Thanks
snowlight 发表于 2023-11-8 12:34
我家装的是华为的板子,电费从200多到50,这还是加了电车,烘干机,洗碗机和中央空调的使用。钱省是一方面 ...
Cengjing 发表于 2024-2-7 11:56
Cengjing 发表于 2024-2-7 11:56
devilniu 发表于 2024-8-13 09:54
我跟solar zero签了20年,每个月月租费110.25, 超出的单付。我今年7,8月超出的电费每个月五十多,但是问 ...
ccprincess 发表于 2024-10-25 16:14
我用solar hot water +contact 9-12pm 免费电,
冬天用log burner 取暖,9pm 后再开个加热器。
我们一家 ...
ccprincess 发表于 2024-10-25 16:14
我用solar hot water +contact 9-12pm 免费电,
冬天用log burner 取暖,9pm 后再开个加热器。
我们一家 ...
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