肯定要的。 要不不给你送煤气罐。非持牌不能安装煤气管线和设备。找开发商。作者: Jason zg 时间: 2023-9-26 13:04:33
一般是plumber做gas fitting的东西,他们不管是天然气管道NG, 还是LPG gas bottle,都要出Gas certificate,其实很简单,就是测下压力,做点paper work。谁干的活找谁出
Installing, replacing or relocating a domestic heating appliance
If you are planning to install, replace or relocate a domestic heating appliance, you must obtain a building consent.
Owner-builder exemptions do not cover electrical, gas, plumbing or drainage work unless the owner-builder holds the appropriate license作者: 新马甸甸 时间: 2023-9-26 13:44:16
Jason zg 发表于 2023-9-26 13:04
一般是plumber做gas fitting的东西,他们不管是天然气管道NG, 还是LPG gas bottle,都要出Gas certificate ...