Learn about the Maori chiefs that signed the treaty
Step inside the carved meeting house at Waitangi Treaty Grounds
在怀唐伊条约签署地修建的毛利会堂。1940年2月6日《怀唐伊条约》(Te Tiriti o Waitangi)签署一百周年之际,毛利人集会所(Te Whare Runanga)呈现在新西兰人民面前。
《怀唐伊条约》(The Treaty of Waitangi)是新西兰的建国文件。这一历史事件的签订场所得到永久保护。游客可以听取多媒体信息讲解、参加导游观光并观看真人表演。
Learn about the Maori chiefs that signed the treaty
Experience Waitangi, 岛屿湾和北部地区
作者: Ruth Lawton Photography
尽管巴斯比(Busby)对维护治安起到了一定的作用,但无法活动以及向白种人变相出售土地的数量仍在不断增加。英国政府认为有必要采取有效措施,加强对新西兰的统治。1840年,威廉•霍布森上尉(Captain William Hobson)被派往新西兰担任行政长官,其使命就是通过与当地的毛利人酋长签订条约,取得英国对新西兰的统治权。
条约拟定出来并经翻译之后,又经过了一整天的辩论,才于1840年2月6日在岛屿湾(Bay of Islands)的怀唐伊(Waitangi)镇正式签署。当日,北部的43位酋长签署了这份条约。在随后的8个月之内,全国各地先后有500多位酋长在该条约上签字。
签署条约的地方和建筑物至今仍保存完好。 “怀唐伊历史保护区” 现已经成为一个旅游胜地,那里有一座大型的毛利会堂、一座殖民时期的教堂、一根有历史纪念意义的旗杆和一艘长长的毛利战船(waka taua)。
At some point, a group of Māori migrated to Rēkohu, now known as the Chatham Islands, where they developed their distinct Moriori culture. The Moriori population was all but wiped out between 1835 and 1862 in the Moriori genocide, largely because of Taranaki Māori invasion and enslavement in the 1830s, although European diseases also contributed. In 1862, only 101 survived, and the last known full-blooded Moriori died in 1933.作者: variable 时间: 2023-5-9 23:04:59