5000护士在澳洲注册不假,但真正能找到全职工作的没几个。大部分只能去养老院或临时工作过度,试想想,本来薪水就高不多少,几个有能力的高级护士肯过去?而初中级护士很难找到全职。澳洲薪水怎么样,手指一动即可搜出。一万安家费不假,很多用人单位都给,谁会为了一万去做非全职,收入也就跟新西兰持平或略低。好区房子贵的离谱,烂区确实比奥克兰便宜一些,只要你愿意跟毒虫黑帮南苏丹人住在一起,酗酒都不是事。那真要佩服你的勇气无知者,往往是最有理的一群 作者: Bob Wang 时间: 2023-4-25 18:27:04
the Australian Bureau of Statistics is reporting the average wage across the ditch was A$94,000 - equivalent to $102,500 - last November and Statistics New Zealand says the average weekly earnings equates to an annual wage of $77,844 in the year to December 2022.作者: 寒夜霜深 时间: 2023-4-27 21:26:24