应该让房客给你炒,不干的话就告诉他 “Simple Rule, this is my place this is my house. any border (sic) who repeatedly fails to fulfill his/her promise(s) by more than three times will not be allow his/her continuing stay at my place"
作者: 匿名 时间: 2023-4-2 10:16:28
你也太娇气了吧?手无抓鸡之力? 作者: stnz 时间: 2023-4-2 10:19:53
做fucking solo mum真是体力活。尤其是 要不停地moving。看着挺容易,做起来很费劲。moving两下手就没劲了,然后换style两下又没劲了,就这么不停地换,好不容易才做好。突然觉得$300真心不贵作者: stnz 时间: 2023-4-2 10:21:18
Bob Wang has a strong boby>作者: moonIlight2013 时间: 2023-4-2 10:21:23