Have 2 clients who haven't paid their mortgage since last July. The bank is only now threatening to take enforcement action against them. They haven't even asked for interest only or a repayment holiday. If they had done so earlier, they could perhaps have gotten away with a few more months of no repayments.
Another company client who got an interest free small business loan during Covid. IRD is now telling it to pay interest. The company will likely just go into liquidation.
Threatening a mortgagee sale against a debtor of one of our clients. Realised the COVID restrictions on mortgagee sales are still in place. Have to give 40 working days (rather than standard 20 working days) notice that the mortgagee intends to exercise the power to sell.
Altogether my impression is that there are a lot of bad debts out there which are still bubbling away and haven't come to the surface yet for various reasons.作者: V7 时间: 2023-3-22 11:53:13
很多年很多年前,我有个客户兼大范围同事自杀的,死在办公室里,用刀。三十多岁名校毕业,人长得也相貌堂堂的,平常看着很开朗,而且,就是给企业赔了几百万美元吧,企业是国家的,很多人不能理解他怎么就想不开了,孩子才几岁。这人就是前面特别顺,业绩好,少年得志,三十出头当了处长,一旦失败精神上接受不了。死的时候他背后就坐着一个年轻同事,中午吃饭的时候发生的,那个小伙子坐那里打盹儿。死者抹脖子没出声儿。等发现了就是一地血。我当时也在那个楼办公。听说这个事情的时候我把他们公司的各种合同卷宗拿出来看,文件上他的签字还在,人没了。他还给我起外号,每次打电话催办都开玩笑,觉得是个特别活泼搞笑的人。作者: Bob Wang 时间: 2023-3-24 20:15:44