Zoning Type : Residential-Mixed Housing Suburban Zone
Zoning Standard Requirement Source
Height restriction 8m *
Height in relation to boundary 2.5m + 45 degree recession plane *
Subdivision (min vacant
size) 400m2 (Table E38.
Front setback 3m
Side setback 1m
Rear setback 1m
Riparian setback 10m from edge of intermittent and permanent streams
Lakeside setback 30m
Coastal Protection setback 10m or otherwise specified in AUP Appendix 6 Coastal
protection yard
Impervious coverage 60% of site area *
Building coverage 40% of net site area
Landscaped area 40% of net site area *
Front fence height 1.4m / 1.8m *
Side fence height 2m
Rear fence height 2m
Minimum dwelling size 30m2 for studio dwellings/45m2 for one or more bedroom
Parking rates Refer to Standard E27.6.2 (Auckland Unitary Plan)作者: JMPL23 时间: 2023-1-26 17:47:48