*线下活动为主*每月一次: 志同道合的年轻职业人(ideal 25-35岁)聚集在一起,度过愉快的时光,同时拓展本地社交圈。 欢迎有社交能力,positive personality,并且愿意帮助他人的小伙伴。我们的群有在这里长大,在这里移民,以及locals组成。我们的成员主要来自IT, engineering, automation, banking, data, pharmaceutical, construction的年轻职业人,希望更多来自相近,或者各行各业的年轻职业人加入我们的group。入群前请introduce your occupation or your business :)
自雇业主也欢迎 with annual turnover at least $1m+
Wechat: belle-unlimited
非正式:玩 | 正式:职业/行业交流
Hi Welcome to the Flip&Flop
We’ll have a monthly catchup to know each other and have fun
Banking, IT, Pharmaceutical industries分别担任Financial coaching & Business partner | Full stack development & mobile application development | Quality control | Designer
游泳;浮潜;滑雪;攀岩;登山;各类线上线下游戏;Dancing; Painting & Arts etc... a bit long list
All local major social and business networking
Upcoming Events
非正式:玩(you can name it) 正式:职业/行业交流
Transport engineer, Mobile developer, Data analyst, Data designer, QS and Senior QS, software engineer.
作者: B-Envision 时间: 2023-1-11 17:54:30
Welcome young professionals - The right group for you 作者: B-Envision 时间: 2023-1-12 14:05:10
A group you won’t miss 作者: B-Envision 时间: 2023-1-13 14:36:51
Group Notice
Welcome to the Flip&Flop
Please self intro your background once joining the group.
We’ll have a monthly catchup to know each other and have fun作者: B-Envision 时间: 2023-1-15 21:34:31
Transport engineer, IT, Data analyst, Exporter
欢迎更多的年轻职业人入群 (ideal 25 - 35 years old) ,我们会经常和local的networks一起活动包括sports, music and all kind of fun activities + professional networking.作者: B-Envision 时间: 2023-2-2 19:15:25
奥克兰线下活动群 其他城市的小伙伴 很抱歉 暂时we focus on Akl only *作者: B-Envision 时间: 2023-3-8 23:28:11
我们的成员主要来自IT, engineering, automation, banking, data, pharmaceutical各行业的年轻职业人,希望更多来自相同,相近,或者各行各业的年轻职业人加入我们的团队。入群前请introduce your occupation or your business :) 年轻自雇业主也欢迎 with annual turnover $1m+ 作者: B-Envision 时间: 2023-3-11 22:18:22