晚上自己开车去piha然后回来的路上下雨路滑撞到了树上,然后后面警察来了后说要给我法庭传票,我有pr,我想了解一下罚款会有多少,并且会不会吊销我的pr,求大律师抽一点时间来解答作者: Kuo 时间: 2022-10-6 02:24:35
起诉什么罪名 作者: AsiaTelkom 时间: 2022-10-6 08:19:36
Driving without a supervisor , Demerit points 35, 罚款 100
有超速没 有酒驾没 你等拿到传票了以后再看里面写的是啥 作者: Kuo 时间: 2022-10-6 12:34:27
Careless driving has a maximum penalty of a $3,000.00 fine, the court has discretion to disqualify for any period, and 35 demerit points are imposed if there is no disqualification.
Dangerous driving has a maximum penalty of 3 months imprisonment or a $4,500.00 fine, and the court must disqualify the driver for a minimum of 6 months (unless very limited circumstances apply).
Reckless driving has the same 3 month and $4,500.00 maximum penalty, as well as the same mandatory minimum period of 6 months disqualification.