我的天,一个中国男的打老婆,怎么在留言区就变成新西兰的中国丈夫绝大多数都是渣男了, 难道这也能被stereotype!!! 不能因为我们觉得委屈回了句嘴就乱扣帽子,你可以试试去当地网站留言说 kiwi men are bunch of wife beaters,看看别人会回复你什么,你会觉得他们也是loser,coward和trash吗,他们有可能只是不同意你说的话而已。打老婆不光让人鄙视,而且那是犯罪。我相信无论哪个地方都会有好人和坏人,不要因为一个人犯了错误而怪罪他一族的人,这叫racism,一样会让人鄙视,当然也是犯罪
one person's bad behaviour doesn't represent his/her entire community 作者: 靓丽2008 时间: 2022-8-27 23:31:26
Can you please read through your own comments above before firing at me? you are the one branding Chinese men in NZ as bunch of self low esteem, wife beating losers, all because ONE of them committed family violence to his wife. It's also not fare and pretty rude to lable ppl as triggered losers just because they don't agree with your opinions.... Unless your are Donald trump's lost Asian sister. 作者: 匿名 时间: 2022-8-28 13:25:03