D,任何碳基生物out of water都得死,人也一样作者: xuloli 时间: 2022-8-9 14:08:39
aragornknt 发表于 2022-8-9 13:06
D,任何碳基生物out of water都得死,人也一样
那为啥不能选B,这两不是一样的吗作者: 匿名 时间: 2022-8-9 14:09:06
b不也是一样的意思吗? 作者: Altair 时间: 2022-8-9 14:10:57
Some fish can live even when they are not in water?
Climbing Perch: This fish can breathe in water as well as in air. It uses its tail to help it walk on dry land for short periods of time.
Mudskipper: A mudskipper can take in oxygen from the air through its gills and skin, when not in water.
Lungfish: A lungfish digs a hole in the mud and enters it and breathes air using its lungs. This usually happens in the dry season when there is not enough water.
Snakehead: Is found in Africa and Asia, has chambers near its gills, meant for breathing. A snakehead can survive for long periods out of the water and also hibernates in mud during the summers.作者: 匿名 时间: 2022-8-9 14:13:02
补充内容 (2022-8-9 19:57):
As we know, human ___ die below the water
A. may B. is going to C. can D. will
依然选 D 思密达
可别告诉偶人在水下能活选A,咋可不是美人鱼!作者: bruceyeh 时间: 2022-8-9 21:26:44