
标题: 真是无语啊,纳税人的钱就这样被奥克兰交通局瞎胡花 [打印本页]

作者: 注册专用    时间: 2022-6-23 14:17:37     标题: 真是无语啊,纳税人的钱就这样被奥克兰交通局瞎胡花

花170万在3.4公里长的Upper Harbour Highway原本的好好路上放一排混凝土隔离墩,造成开车的,骑车的一堆事故,1500居民请愿拆除

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/police-and-injured-cyclist-have-grim-safety-warnings-over-auckland-transport-cycling-project/Q4NW2Q2D6RIS3VHFEF7FU6FXBM/?fbclid=IwAR2Gl0MSbJ3EPp-lXfwSwiPSmssO45ZNpSGRNP5iNnV5KbOK7DCe-Wu-pL0Police and injured cyclist have grim safety warnings over Auckland Transport cycling project
22 Jun, 2022 07:23 PM

By Bernard Orsman

A roading police officer has serious concerns about the safety of one of Auckland Transport's latest cycleway projects.

His concerns have been backed up by a competitive road cyclist who had a nasty accident on the cycleway and broke a collarbone.

AT is under fire after installing concrete barriers on an existing cycleway at Upper Harbour Drive to separate cyclists from motorists, leading to a petition signed by nearly 1500 local Greenhithe residents.

The roading policing supervisor for the North Shore, Senior Sergeant Warwick Stainton, said the barriers do not appear "conducive to road safety when taking into consideration motorists' safety and cyclists' safety".

The new concrete barriers have narrowed the road on Upper Harbour Drive. Photo / Michael Craig
The new concrete barriers have narrowed the road on Upper Harbour Drive. Photo / Michael Craig

He has listed a number of concerns in a report obtained by the Herald:

• The barriers are a driving hazard, low and difficult to see and the slightest driving error can result in vehicles hitting them.

• The barriers narrow the road making them vulnerable to driver error or emergency stopping.

• The barriers have removed an emergency stopping shoulder for motorists.

• Plant material builds up, making the road surface undesirable for cyclists.

• The barriers prevent cyclists riding two abreast, so they use the road instead.

• The barriers prevent vehicles from easily and safely getting in and out of driveways.

"From a policing perspective, we are also not in favour of the barriers as it makes carrying out enforcement on the road very difficult.

"We no longer have the ability to execute U-turns or manoeuvres to stop speeding drivers and there is nowhere to stop motorists without blocking the road.

"Furthermore, running speed traps or checkpoints is impossible as once again there is nowhere to pull vehicles over without blocking the road," said Stainton.

Stainton was unaware of any serious car versus motorists collisions on the stretch of Upper Harbour Drive that would have prompted the change.

When Upper Harbour Drive resident Tracy Bass asked AT how many cycle accidents there had been on Upper Harbour Drive since 2017, a reply came back saying there had been one minor crash resulting in a minor injury to a cyclist in 2019.

In a statement, AT said it was aware about the safety concerns of the police over the concrete barriers but did not say if it agreed with them, saying only the two agencies had regular discussions around road safety.

Local residents say since the barriers were installed along a 3.7km stretch of Upper Harbour Drive in March, there have been two cycling accidents and several incidents of cars hitting the barriers and their tyres blowing out.

A competitive road cyclist, who did not want to be named, said he has ridden on Upper Harbour Drive 550 times in the past 10 years, saying it was an "awesome road for cyclists" with a wide, smooth and fast road surface and little traffic.

"The road has gone from one extreme to the other," said the cyclist, who wanted to know what the business case was to justify the changes.

At 6.20am in the dark on March 31, the man was in a group with six other cyclists heading towards the North Shore travelling at 19km/h when all of a sudden he was on the road after hitting the first, unmarked concrete separator.

"I went over the handlebars and landed on the road. Luckily my six friends hauled me off the road because I couldn't and we waited for an ambulance and I found out my collarbone was fractured."

Last week, the man learned he is likely to need surgery, which could mean a plate and some bolts.

"I'm not in pain any more but it's very uncomfortable. It's impacted my quality of life. I've got two toddlers and can't do things I like to do with them and I can't exercise," he said.

The cyclist supports AT's efforts to promote cycling and protect cyclists, but said the concrete barriers are completely unnecessary and wants them removed.

"I know cyclists who refuse to use them because they are covered in debris. The margin of error is narrow. You make a mistake, you are gone," he said.

Greenhithe resident Sam Joyce started a petition to remove the concrete barriers after narrowly avoiding a head-on crash with a car which saw the barriers and crossed over the centre line, leading to her slowing down in time for the motorist to correct their car.

She said people cannot understand why concrete barriers were installed, saying countries like Australia and the UK have better and cheaper solutions, such as low, injection-moulded plastic barriers that still give separation but allow vehicles to go over if there is an emergency.

Last month, AT did not attend a public meeting in Greenhithe where many residents called for the concrete barriers to be removed.

"Residents are not being met with any sort of understanding or openness. It's like 'we have committed to this project, we have already installed it, we can't be bothered with having to change direction'," Joyce said.

The Labour MP for Upper Harbour, Vanushi Walters, wrote to AT this month to highlight the concerns of locals and suggested AT attend a community forum to discuss the matter, which they have agreed to. No date has been set for the forum, her office said.

Local councillors John Watson and Wayne Walker and a member of the Upper Harbour Local Board, Uzra Casuri Balouch, have also got involved.

Watson said it's a perverse outcome that after spending $1.7 million on the safety improvements, the road is now less safe for cyclists and motorists.

AT said the Upper Harbour Drive project is part of a programme of minor improvements to the cycle network to separate existing painted cycleways at 60 sites across the city.

Upper Harbour Drive is the first project, which finds AT in strife again with angry residents over an unpopular decision. It has the hallmarks of a battle over the loss of car parks at St Heliers in 2019 when chief executive Shane Ellison was a no-show at a public meeting.

This time, AT said it was not officially invited to the public meeting in Greenhithe and is working with the community, police and local board to address concerns about visibility and safety before installing more separators along the route.

This includes painting separators with high-visibility paint, improved signage and reducing the speed limit from 70km/h to 60km/h.

"The separation of existing on-road cycle lanes is to protect vulnerable road users on the network and encourage more people to cycle, especially as these lanes connect to the North Western Cycleway," the statement said.

作者: ydouwant2no    时间: 2022-6-23 14:22:27

這些東西在裝之前就已經被大量反對了, 就不知道是哪個腦殘想出來的解決方案. 果然~裝了之後問題比之前還多. 奧克蘭交通局做決策的那些人這些年應該已經被罵到沒感覺了, 總是推出一堆與大部分民意相反的方案然後硬做, 也不知道在搞啥.
作者: Domani    时间: 2022-6-23 14:23:44

作者: ilmaro    时间: 2022-6-23 14:25:38


作者: bintoo    时间: 2022-6-23 14:26:23

不搞点名堂,搬弄点东西,怎么合理合法化地捞钱? 难道要直接转账入自己账户这么腐败? 请体量一下吧。
作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 14:27:10

ilmaro 发表于 2022-6-23 13:25


作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 14:28:30

才了解这些官僚吗? 不怕,他们交通局还有88个PR做广告

作者: anzbank    时间: 2022-6-23 14:28:32

作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 14:29:24

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 包不同    时间: 2022-6-23 14:30:10

整个政府都在乱花, 交通局只是其中一个, 还不是大头的
作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 14:31:46

anzbank 发表于 2022-6-23 13:28
这都是小钱,全长24公里的奥克兰轻轨项目现在预计耗资290亿纽币,估计建成时每公里耗资会将近20亿纽币,也 ...

作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 14:38:30


作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 14:47:00

钱都流入了WORKING ADVOSRY GROUP,各大利益集团。当然等一些人退休后,这些利益集团会聘用他们。

作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 15:28:37


作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 16:45:43

所以通胀光靠加息是弄不下来的。 工党乱花钱,通胀继续涨

作者: hjftxy    时间: 2022-6-23 17:08:42

作者: 包不同    时间: 2022-6-23 17:33:21

hjftxy 发表于 2022-6-23 16:08
那骑自行车的鬼简直就是路霸,手一挥头也不回直接就过来了,也不管后面是否有车,草蛋 ...

新西兰已经在倒退, 以前类似这样过马路的在菲律宾经常看到, 就是直接像超人一样伸一伸手
作者: judo    时间: 2022-6-23 17:46:12




作者: 吃草的狮子    时间: 2022-6-23 18:07:16

bintoo 发表于 2022-6-23 13:26
不搞点名堂,搬弄点东西,怎么合理合法化地捞钱? 难道要直接转账入自己账户这么腐败? 请体量一下吧。 ...


作者: 吃草的狮子    时间: 2022-6-23 18:12:53


作者: bintoo    时间: 2022-6-23 19:35:17

吃草的狮子 发表于 2022-6-23 17:12
我猜这事的最后,政府表示听取民意可以拆,承包商表示介于目前高涨的人工拆一下100W,AT表示同意,老百姓高 ...

作者: salesonline    时间: 2022-6-23 19:46:14

吃草的狮子 发表于 2022-6-23 17:12
我猜这事的最后,政府表示听取民意可以拆,承包商表示介于目前高涨的人工拆一下100W,AT表示同意,老百姓高 ...

作者: Pltr    时间: 2022-6-23 19:51:19

bintoo 发表于 2022-6-23 18:35
你表达得太通透了,换个方式和角度再说一次,要让人赞好赞美自由清廉社会那种。 ...

作者: Esipan    时间: 2022-6-23 19:53:58

所有的操作都是透明的 账目明细 百姓一同参与并积极给与意见和建议  给廉洁政府点赞
作者: Pltr    时间: 2022-6-23 20:01:28

不要阴阳怪气 故意学精神朝鲜人的样子! 纽西兰自有国情在此,临界点一到,妖魔鬼怪都报销!你们瞧好了叻!

补充内容 (2022-6-23 19:02):
作者: 注册专用1    时间: 2022-6-23 20:19:43

吃草的狮子 发表于 2022-6-23 17:12
我猜这事的最后,政府表示听取民意可以拆,承包商表示介于目前高涨的人工拆一下100W,AT表示同意,老百姓高 ...

作者: 吃草的狮子    时间: 2022-6-23 20:44:59

注册专用1 发表于 2022-6-23 19:19
会拆吗?我觉得不会,拆的话就等于AT承认他们有错,他们会做降低车速限制,涂醒目油漆的补救。 ...


作者: 119900    时间: 2022-6-23 21:28:09


作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 21:40:46

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 21:41:44

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-6-23 21:42:23

本质上新西兰腐败世界第一,修一个roundabout  100万都用不了,花费千万.  附近公路10年修了5次了,仍然坑坑洼洼

作者: 笑看人生 ^O^    时间: 2022-6-23 22:30:05

匿名者 发表于 2022-6-23 20:42
本质上新西兰腐败世界第一,修一个roundabout  100万都用不了,花费千万.  附近公路10年修了5次了,仍然坑 ...

作者: mynet    时间: 2022-11-3 14:30:29

我刚注意到我附近街区多了两个路障(road bump), 这些是比较繁忙的街, 很多去飞机场的车辆都要经过。
但设立人行道就可以了, 为什么非得设置路障, 让大部分时间在没人过路的情况下逼迫所有车辆不能以正常50公里行驶。
作者: 小把戏    时间: 2022-11-3 20:51:25

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作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-11-3 21:07:16

小把戏 发表于 2022-11-3 20:51
基督城一个bus椅1w 刀


作者: 2795358    时间: 2022-11-3 21:53:17

作者: 匿名    时间: 2022-11-3 22:02:49


作者: 躺平的韭菜    时间: 2022-11-3 22:18:08

作者: hoolee    时间: 2022-11-3 22:45:25

作者: iamzning    时间: 2022-11-3 22:46:47


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