Following full time and part time positions opened at North Harbour Stadium MOE school lunches.We can agree too on the part time work in the certain days/ time only.
Simple meal assembling and similar catering assistant job,22.75/per hour.
-Morning shift catering assistant 10Am-18:30Pm (Sunday to Thursday)
-evening shift catering assistant 7Pm-3:30am (Sunday to Thursday)
-kitchen production hand --assist to the chefs 6am-2:30pm(Sunday to Thursday)
-production hand --support delivery and dispatch 7am till 3:30pm (Monday to Friday)
-Hot kitchen chef (27/per hour)(Monday to Friday)
These jobs only during the school term,38 weeks a year.
If interested,please call Delon on 0210605493 and Andras 0272160985(English only)。leo 02102458257(中文短信only).