今天有几分钟 随便看了看这个公司的基金简介:
Williams Corporation Capital – Open to wholesale investors only. Minimum investment $750,000.
Williams Corporation Capital Partnership – Open to wholesale investors only. Minimum investment $100,000.
Williams Corporation First Mortgage Investments – Open to wholesale investors only. Minimum investment $750,000.
-公司会"endeavour" to pay out the investor within 6 months by "pairing" a withdrawal request to the settlement of project. 呵呵
净说大实话 给人点希望成不。。。
今天顺便写写 wholesale investor 是给啥玩意
Wholesale investors are “assumed to be experienced, sophisticated investors.” 也就是说 不是投资小白或者自认为老鸟的家伙们。。。理论上成为wholesale investor 需要注会给个证明能力的东西。。 但是。。。
那么成为wholesale investor的“权益” 是啥呢
Do not receive a PDS for the offer.
Do not have access to a free independent dispute resolution scheme if things go wrong.
Are not dealing with a firm licensed by the FMA
Do not receive information about the investment’s ongoing performance
Won’t have a licensed supervisor in the case of debt securities such as bonds and managed investment schemes.