Hypocractical? May be.Jealsouy? of what? your poverty?
A person is depictable only because he fails to see himself objectively and such failure is what kept you in the position of where you are and what you will be, regardless of how you perceive your life to be.
第二,感觉你的文化程度并不高,包括对金融的理解。举个例子,你在知识缺乏的情况下去炒股和炒币,你会看大公司的报表吗?你知道liquidity ratio, cash flow statement,present value vs future value calculation等等,如果这些最基本的东西都看不懂,你炒股连最基本的波动都判断不了,不是韭菜是什么?同时,当你发现我有1000万贷款的时候很不屑,就更说明你对杠杆的无知,对金融几乎没有基础可言。知识就是力量这句话,看来你缺乏深度认知。杠杆的使用说明贷款能力,和收入成正比的贷款是房地产投资增值必要工具,不然这个世界上为什么那么多人玩金融和金融延续产品?