
标题: 美国心脏协会最新期刊 - Pfizer对心肌的影响 [打印本页]

作者: finalrose    时间: 2021-11-29 19:29:37     标题: 美国心脏协会最新期刊 - Pfizer对心肌的影响

本帖最后由 finalrose 于 2021-11-29 19:32 编辑

摘要 10712:根据普尔世心脏测试的测量,mRNA COVID 疫苗显着增加内皮炎症标志物和 ACS 风险:警告
Steven R Gundry
最初于2021 年 11 月 8 日发布

我们的小组一直在使用 PLUS Cardiac Test(GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA),这是一种经过临床验证的多种蛋白质生物标志物的测量方法,可生成预测新急性冠状动脉综合征 (ACS) 5 年风险(概率百分比)的评分。该评分基于多种蛋白质生物标志物的标准变化,包括 IL-16、促炎细胞因子、可溶性 Fas、凋亡诱导剂和肝细胞生长因子 (HGF),肝细胞生长因子 (HGF) 可作为 T 细胞趋化到上皮细胞的标志物和心脏组织,以及其他标志物。高于正常值会增加 PULS 分数,而低于正常值会降低 PULS 分数。该分数已在我们的患者群体中每 3-6 个月测量一次,持续 8 年最近,随着 Moderna 和 Pfizer 的 mRNA COVID 19 疫苗(vac)的出现,大多数患者的 PULS 评分发生显着变化。本报告总结了这些结果。在预防性心脏病学实践中,共有 566 名年龄在 28 至 97 岁之间、男女 比为 1:1 的患者在 2 次COVID 疫苗注射后的 2 至 10 周进行了新的 PULS 测试nd ,并将其与注射前 3 至 5 个月得出的先前 PULS 评分进行比较。基线 IL-16 从高于标准的 35=/-20 增加到高于标准的 82 =/- 75。sFas 从高于标准的 22+/-15 增加到高于标准的 46=/-24 后 vac;HGF 从高于标准的 42+/-12 增加到高于标准的 86+/-31。这些变化导致 PULS 评分从11% 5 年 ACS 风险 增加 25% 5 年 ACS 风险在撰写本报告时,这些变化在第二次接种 vac 后持续至少 2.5 个月。我们得出结论,mRNA vacs 显着增加了心肌内皮细胞和 T 细胞的炎症反应,并可能是接种疫苗后血栓形成、心肌病和其他血管事件增加的原因

作者: bintoo    时间: 2021-11-29 20:13:20


Dr Steven Gundry – Quack Selling Harmful SupplementsJune 10, 2021 10587 25

Dr. Steven R Grundy is quack who has been debunked by renowned experts around the globe. He sells useless supplements and spreads harmful pseudoscience. Gundry is flagged as a high risk scammer!

Who is Dr. Steven Gundry?

Dr. Steven R. Gundry is an author & doctor by profession. He is from the United States of America and used to be a cardiothoracic surgeon before starting a clinic of his own.

He is famous for his controversial and contradictory claims that he made in his books like The Plant Paradox & The Longevity Paradox. You have probably read one of his books yourself, if you are reading this post.

Psychological manipulation is one of Dr. Gundry’s main skills as he has made a cult like following around the web. These “followers” attack anyone who disputes or critiques the outrageous and wrong claims made by Dr. Gundry.

Read also about: Charles Thomas Stevens

Steven got popular for his opinion on lectins, which is a plant protein. He claims that lectins cause major inflammation which is the cause of majority of commonly found modern diseases. However, this is simply not true.

Real scientists & dietitians have called Gundry’s statement a “pathetic call for attention”.

His main product is a line of supplements which he sells to his brainwashed followers. These “supplements” are supposed to reverse the “damaging effects caused by lectins”. He also makes a significant amount of money from selling books on Amazon & audiobooks on Audible.

How Gundry Manipulates His Targets

If you are not going to read the whole post, then please at least read this section. This will help you understand how Dr. Steven Gundry’s scam works. If you are a Gundry MD fan boy, then this will hurt, because I’m going to tell you how you got manipulated and brainwashed by this quack. If you are up for it, then let’s get started.

Victim Profile of Gundrymd.com

He or she is interested in weight loss, dieting, keto, intermittent fasting & health supplements. Gundry’s marketing team is cunning and know the exact kind of people who will get brainwashed by Gundry’s BS.

They mainly target emotionally vulnerable people who have had a love-hate relationship with their physical appearance. Steven knows these people can be easily manipulated.

Women in their late 20s to early 50s are the most common victims of Gundry’s scam. While men from 30-70 are also prone to believe in this quack’s lies.

The Brainwash Funnel

Social Media Recommends Target A Video Of Him

This will be the target’s first few introductions with Gundry. At this point, the target doesn’t know who Steven is.

YouTube, Facebook or Twitter suggests a video by Steven Gundry to the target a few times. Once the target watches one video, the platforms’ algorithm floods the target’s recommendations with other brainwashing videos of Steven. After watching 5-30 videos, the target starts believing in Gundry’s lies religiously.

Target Checks Out His Books & Buys One

Now the target has been watching Gundry’s videos for a while (est. 1 month – 3 months) and he is eager to “expand is knowledge”. Most people will buy one of Steven’s books at this stage, however, 9-10% of people skip this step and buy his horrible supplements right away.

After reading 1-3 of the books, the target is finally brainwashed. Now comes the main part, the next step is the most important for Gundry.

Gundry Upsells The Target To Buy His Supplements

Now that the future victim has read Gundry’s books, watched his videos and already made a financial commitment, Steven now upsells them to buy his supplements. I’ve covered the quality and effectiveness of his so-called “supplements” in a section down below which I highly recommend you check out.

These supplements are expensive. However, Gundry will cut you a “deal” if you buy it using a code or through an affiliate link. This way, you’ll get your 1st package at a very cheap price, but this is just to get you addicted & hooked as Gundry shoots up the prices up to 3x for repeat customers.

Target Keeps Purchasing The Supplements

Now, the target has finally become a follower of Dr. Steven Gundry. The placebo effect fools them into thinking that the $200/mo supplements they buy from gundrymd.com are helping them get better, all the while Gundry’s pockets get fatter & fatter.

The Plant Paradox by Dr. Steven Gundry

I came across “The Plant Paradox” while I was researching for this post. He has branded himself as a “cardiologist” but this is a lie, he is actually a cardiothoracic surgeon, which is totally different. In 2019, Gundry published a book named Diet Evolution where he made the statement that he mainly flexed his “survival muscles” being a heart surgeon/ researcher in order to keep his heart cells healthy & alive even under stress. Until 2004, Dr. Gundry had some respect in the community as a cardiac surgeon, but it’s been a downward spiral for him ever since. That’s when he started selling bizarre books on dieting and wasteful supplements online. We can say, that’s when he became an absolute quack.

His 2018 book called The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in Healthy Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain is supposed to be a life-changing book. Key-phrase being supposed to be. His book blatantly ignores the hundreds of years of scientific research and facts done by world-renowned researchers. Apparently only Gundry had the eye for the “secret tip” which he share sin this disgrace of a book. And only those who are willing to buy the book, will get to know this “secret tip”. Let me save you some money right here, don’t buy the book, there’s no “secret tip”. Let me explain in detail.

The Principles which surround The Plant Paradox are based on pseudoscience and pure nonsense. Gundry wants to convince you that lectins are the worst thing a human being can eat. And provides nonsensical evidence to base his theory, which have been debunked by real scientists and researchers.

Lectins Aren’t Harmful, but Gundry’s Quackery is!

Let’s take a look at T. Colin Campbell’s opinion on the lectins claim of Gundry. Campbell is of China Study fame and you can find his whole article on Gundry’s quackery here. In his article, Campbell exlaims that The Plant Paradox lacks any scientific backing and makes bogus & idiotic claims. Here is a snippet from the article:

The claims come fast and furious in this book, stated with a degree of certainty, without nuance, that undoubtedly appeals to many readers. But the referencing is so lacking and sloppy that Dr. Gundry should be embarrassed. The references that are cited in this book do a poor job of trying to justify its claims. And the bulk of the author’s wild claims lack references at all, with several examples of easily verifiable falsehoods. Because his claims are quite profound and novel, referencing of the findings of others and his own results are especially important. This is especially troubling for an author who touts his own research experience.

T. Colin Campbell

Once Campbell destroys the quack Gundry’s lectin logic, he goes on to reveal the true intentions behind Gundry’s book, selling the supplements. These supplements claim to save you from the ungodly harms of lectins:

In conclusion, there are many people who desire good health and deserve good information and we resent that they must suffer such poor quality and confusing information under the assumption that it is good science. Is it possible that Dr. Gundry is just out to make a quick buck? He admits that his patients give up to a dozen vials of blood for testing every couple of months at his clinic. Overtesting is common practice in supplement-driven clinics.

This extensive testing, (which are another topic), is almost always used to demonstrate some type of nutritional pathology, which of course can only be corrected by taking the suggested supplements. And of course, Dr. Gundry sells supplements, including “Lectin Shield” for about $80 a month. According to his website, “This groundbreaking new formula was created to offset the discomforting effects of lectins (proteins commonly found in plants that make them harder to digest). Lectin Shield works to protect your body from a pile-up of lectins and to promote full-body comfort.”

T. Colin Campbell
Can Lectins Be The Next Gluten?

Gluten is considered bad for the most part because it is commonly found in foods like bread, pizza & pasta, and doesn’t provide any essential nutrients to the body. Not only that but certain individuals can get an immune reaction from eating gluten. The symptoms include inflammation and even damage to the intestinal tracts!

But the main question is: are lectins as bad as gluten?

This excerpt from James Hamblin MD’s article tackles this question in a sassy and knowledgeable way:

Yes, he also sells supplements he recommends. The last 20 or so minutes of his infomercial is a string of claims about how supplies are running low, and it’s important that you act immediately, and that if you do manage to get through to a customer representative you should order as much as you have room to store—the shelf life is great, etc. And the necessity of supplements is the crucial argument of the book.

He writes, “Getting all of the nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.”
The GundryMD line of products includes something he invented called vitamin G6. Another is a “lectin shield” that’s “designed to neutralize the effects of lectins.” These are available on his website for $79.99. There you can also get six jars of Vital Reds for $254.70.

James Hamblin MD
Lectins Aren’t Bad For You, Saying Otherwise is Utter Nonsense

This statement comes from a guy with more credentials than 99% of the world population, MD David L Katz (FACLM, FACP, FACPM, MPH). He has also debunked the quack theory of Steven Gundry in his writings. Take a look at this section from one of his pieces:

The answer to- “should you fear lectins now?” is- yes, if and only if you do the same for oxygen.
As I recently noted to a colleague, oxygen is not a theoretical toxin with theoretical harms in people; it is a known toxic with established harms. The atmosphere of our planet is thus highly analogous to the dietary sources of lectins: both contain compounds with potentially toxic effects, but net benefit is overwhelming both from eating plants, and breathing.

“Do We Dare Eat Lectins? – David L. Katz (MD, FACLM, FACP, FACPM, MPH)
The Longevity Paradox by Dr. Steven Gundry

If you thought The Plant Paradox was unbelievably bad, then you are in for a hell of a ride. Because The Longevity Paradox takes Steven Gundry’s quackery to a sky-high level.

The book recommends highly unsustainable diet choices which are sure to get you sick. Following the diet plans which The Longevity Paradox proposes, will make your immunity worse and you’ll feel weak. I reached out to a professional nutritionist and sports & science expert to get a more precise explanation of why you shouldn’t follow this book:

The author has cited non sense studies and taken most of them out of context. He has done some research to put this all together, but it is quite obviously a very manipulative & biased book. The eating guidelines will make you extremely weak and fragile when used on a long term basis like the book suggests. You will constantly be in a caloric deficit, do that for a couple years and you might start suffering from micro nutrient deficiencies.

The thing I didn’t like about the book at all, is the alternative to the outrageous guidelines mentioned in the book. The author recommends you to buy his supplements if you can’t follow the made-up guidelines for a better life.

Let me tell you one thing. Don’t follow this book if you want to lead a happy long life. The guidelines are strict to a point where you can’t hang out with your friends without being a douche bag. Exercise, eat good foods like oats, eggs, lentils, tofu, etc., and don’t drink/smoke a lot. Just following these “guidelines” will help you lead an amazing life, health wise.

Ugo B********e- Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

作者: 261874939    时间: 2021-11-29 20:17:06


作者: yakitori    时间: 2021-11-29 20:37:10

作者: nanaBB    时间: 2021-11-29 21:15:22

bintoo 发表于 2021-11-29 20:13

作者: kirua    时间: 2021-11-29 21:20:13

yakitori 发表于 2021-11-29 20:37

作者: chorasmian    时间: 2021-11-29 21:25:57

本帖最后由 chorasmian 于 2021-11-29 21:32 编辑


Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are
several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used.
We are publishing this Expression of Concern until a suitable correction is published to indicate that the abstract in its current version may not be reliable.

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