
标题: 老外圈里针对姐心大和辉瑞的转发,节假日不回复,工作日才有空…… [打印本页]

作者: 20080428    时间: 2021-10-24 06:36:08     标题: 老外圈里针对姐心大和辉瑞的转发,节假日不回复,工作日才有空……

本帖最后由 20080428 于 2021-10-26 11:06 编辑

This eloquent letter is written by a woman who has gathered over 35,000 New Zealanders who've had serious adverse V reactions... her observations reflect exactly how I feel!



Dear Jacinda,

I am a New Zealander...a mother and a grandmother.

The closest i have been to you was when we jigged side by side in the VIP area of a U2 concert a couple of years ago.  I remember thinking how tiny and pretty you were.

I am a sensitive empath, and watching the pain in your eyes as you comforted the bereaved and traumatised after the mosque massacre, and White Island...i thought i recognised the same in you.

I know your Misinformation Officer will quickly find this post and hopefully share it with you...

I am taking it upon myself to share a grassroots snapshot in time, of the immense suffering so many of your people are enduring right now.

I host a community of nearly 35,000 New Zealanders whose lives have been changed by the Covid 19 vaccine.

Many who gather here are living with the daily legacy of suffering serious adverse reactions to our "safe and effective" covid solution.

Some are paralysed or have lost their health and vitality as a result of a stroke, heart attack, blood clot or myocarditis after their jab.

Others are dealing with a paralysed face, or ongoing extreme exhaustion, crippling pain or daily headaches that see them confined to bed for weeks on end.

When they try to share their story (as many thousands tried to on your recent face book post), they are smashed with angry vitriol...cries of "misinformation" and "antivaxer"...even though they were "pro vax" enough to roll up their sleeve for the needle.

Having unexpectedly created a safe place for these marginalised and injured to gather, gives me daily insight into a New Zealand story the likes of which most unwitting Kiwi's have no awareness of.  All they hear every day is "safe and effective....and they trust you and believe it.

The personal interactions i have with these families will leave a permanent heavy record in my heart.  

I often think of the family whose beautiful brilliant medical specialist daughter is left permanently crippled by her post jab stroke.  

Or the 22 year old woman who had to learn to walk and talk again after her stroke, following the jab she didnt want to have, but gave in to, in order to keep her job.

The family just 3 weeks ago who are wracked with trauma and grief after their precious 14 year old son collapsed dead in their garden, 3 days after his jab.  

I have literally hundreds of such stories to share with you....as do the many who tried, unsuccessfully, to do so on your recent face book post.

You wont see a single one of them on the 6 o'clock news, the 1 o'clock update or the front page of the Herald.  

Of course i realise that the vast majority of Kiwis will have their jab and have nothing more than a sore arm...but for many others life is changed and these broken Kiwis (who did the right thing!!) deserve our compassionate acknowledgement and care, not our scorn and disbelief.

And now there is a new tsunami of grief and suffering growing....the thousands of New Zealanders who are now faced with a choice they believed would never be forced upon them.  

Do they take a jab, that for a myriad of reasons they have chosen not to have....or do they lose their job, vocation, career of decades?

While some will find the fear of unemployment and financial destitution enough to drag them, kicking and screaming to the vaccine tent...

For others, no amount of pressure, coercion or personal cost will be enough to wrestle a consent from their arm.

I have received hundreds of messages from these soon to be unemployed experts.  

We are set to loose literally thousands of years of vocational experience from the New Zealand work force.  Doctors, nurses, teachers, psychiatrists, midwives and more.  Yes even an Orthopedic Surgeon and a Forensic Psychiatrist will be walking.  Some who are new to their careers and still paying off student loans....others with 20 or 30 years of valuable experience.

To those who have already had their jab, this might seem pure insanity.  Why would a professional with everything to lose, not just simply call in to the vax centre at the end of a work shift, and be done with the turmoil, pressure and angst?

I'll share just a tiny few of the myriad reasons these incredible people have shared with me.

The reasons can be grouped, and the first group hinges on TRUST.

Try as they might, some just cannot rationalise their way into a place of trusting either Pfizer,  or you and our Government.  
They struggle to believe that the largest corporate and pharmaceutical felons in history can just be "trusted" with a rapidly developed, novel technology, medical product with absolutely ZERO long term safety data.  

They also struggle with knowing that the contract our Government signed with Pfizer is confidential, and includes (this much we know) 100% liability protection for Pfizer.  

These injured Kiwi's I've spoken about...if they are lucky their financial care will come from ACC (its not a given though).  That's us.  The tax payers.  An "all care, no responsibility" contract with a pharmaceutical company with a track record like Pfizer, simply does not inspire confidence in those who do their due diligence.

Others of these smart and educated professionals (including many medics) have spent many hours reading the clinical trial papers, following the government adverse reaction (and efficacy) databases around the world.

They are deeply concerned by what they see. Unprecedented serious injury and death, the likes of which have never been witnessed with a vaccine before.  With the exception of the many times inflated risk of heart inflammation in young males, the other serious injuries (or worse) seem to be randomly meted out as a form of medical Russian Roulette.

There is another group of soon to be unemployed, who have health issues that in any "ordinary" times, would see them exempted or even contraindicated from receiving this vaccine.  Long histories of blood clots, heart attacks, neurodegeneration conditions, and yes even previous severe and life threatening allergic reactions.   Instead they find themselves mandated, terrorised and terrified....including those who nearly died from their first dose, and are simply told they MUST have their second dose in a hospital with a crash cart and a resuscitation team at hand.

Then comes the group, often also encompassing the first two groups, who will walk away from their career as a stand for medical freedom.  

These people believe that capitulating against their will to take a medical intervention, with unprecedented evidence of damage from around the world, is the greater of two evils.

Those with intelligence have so many unanswered questions...

Why do they not have the option of presenting a negative saliva test twice a week to ensure they are safe in the work place? (firstly....why do we not have $20 saliva tests available like the rest of the world?)

Why is an "immunity passport" based on evidence of covid antibodies from previous infection, not enough to safely keep their job?

Why has our Government put no effort into providing us with an effective Early Treatment Outpatient program such as that used with overwhelming success by Dr Peter McCullough or Dr Zelenko?  Instead those in MIQ are offered panadol while they wait to see if their infection will lead them to ICU.

Why are we not checking the vitamin D status of every man woman and child in the land, and providing them with safe and effective doses of vitamin D...now that we know so clearly that low vitamin D makes us a sitting target for both infection and a poor outcome (and we have endemic vitamin D deficiency in NZ with our "sun smart" messaging).

Why have we not used the last 20 months to educate, empower and lead our nation into a better state of health....starting with sharing the brutal truth that obesity greatly increases your risk of ICU and death.

Why have you done everything in your power to block our access to Ivermectin when the evidence of both the safety and efficacy for prevention and treatment of Covid is overwhelmingly positive?

Why are we not having any national debate and discussion around the risk/benefit analysis of vaccinating our children? New Zealanders have simply not been informed that their children face virtually no risk of a poor outcome from covid (unless their child is already severely health compromised).  They are similarly unaware that their children face very real risks from taking the vaccine, including up to 25 times the usual risk of heart inflammation (young males), along with its potentially life shortening consequences.

Why do most New Zealanders not understand that as double vaccinated they can still both contract and transmit covid, get seriously ill from covid and die of covid.  

We just have to look at the heavily vaccinated countries like Singapore, Israel and UK, to see that it will take much more than this "leaky" vaccine to put an end to our misery.

Why have New Zealanders not been told that the vaccine passport they covet, will likely disappear into thin air if they refuse to consent to a booster every six months in order to be considered "fully vaccinated"...along with the repeated re exposure to serious health risks.

I think enough has been said.  

Your people are hurting....the vaccine injured or bereaved; the mandated and disillusioned, frightened and no longer trusting; and all those who have chosen (for a myriad of rational reasons) to decline the jab, and are now vilified, attacked, belittled second rate citizens in their own country.

Right now our nation has never felt more divided.  

Mental health has never felt more thread bare.  And never before have more questions been left unanswered.


Its not too late for you to show the same compassion we witnessed as you embraced the traumatised Muslims at the mosque.

Its not too late to work with your people instead of against them.







任何时候, 都没用一个单纯的对与错, 只有适合与不适合。没有对错, 只有选择。

如果知道大概率会被传染, 那打疫苗还是比不打疫苗要更好, 哪怕是有副作用的瑞辉, 但是如果本身已经有血液方面或者别的方面的疾病的那还是要认真权衡一下利弊。

孩子我是不建议打瑞辉的, 因为孩子即便感染重症的比例也微乎其微, 偶尔有出现大部分也是有其他基础疾病, 普通流感对他们也会致命, 但是打了之后的长期副作用不仅仅只是血液的问题, 发育, 遗传等等很多都有可能会受影响。

没有绝对安全的疫苗, 对于covid而言更没有绝对有效的疫苗, 所以如果暂时感染概率不高, 或者换句话说如果不在奥克兰这些高风险地区, 瑞辉不是好的选择, 等一下更传统的疫苗更好, 因为你什么时候会用到或者说是否会接触病毒是个未知数 但是打了之后对身体的影响却是肯定的。

没必要为了疫苗而相互攻击, 大家只是做了适合自己的选择而已, 有精力多赚钱, 现在可是敛财千载难逢的机会。

作者: pategao    时间: 2021-10-24 06:46:18

作者: 20080428    时间: 2021-10-24 06:54:46

我想说的是,Enough is enough. And the people and medical professionals who make a stand against big pharma with some common sense and their right to do their own research and draw their own conclusions are put through is shameful.
作者: 20080428    时间: 2021-10-24 07:05:16

划重点,Why have New Zealanders not been told that the vaccine passport they covet, will likely disappear into thin air if they refuse to consent to a booster every six months in order to be considered "fully vaccinated"...along with the repeated re exposure to serious health risks.
作者: 开心妈妈    时间: 2021-10-24 07:05:36

20080428 发表于 2021-10-24 06:54
我想说的是,Enough is enough. And the people and medical professionals who make a stand against big  ...

作者: 20080428    时间: 2021-10-24 07:07:38


作者: moonIlight2013    时间: 2021-10-24 07:10:32

20080428 发表于 2021-10-24 06:54
我想说的是,Enough is enough. And the people and medical professionals who make a stand against big  ...

作者: salesonline    时间: 2021-10-24 07:20:20



作者: 范圆圆.    时间: 2021-10-24 07:55:44

作者: 范圆圆.    时间: 2021-10-24 07:58:38

salesonline 发表于 2021-10-24 07:20

newstalk ...

作者: Quad    时间: 2021-10-24 08:21:33

作者: bintoo    时间: 2021-10-24 08:43:01

作者: 微苦蓝山    时间: 2021-10-24 08:53:30

作者: nanaBB    时间: 2021-10-24 09:48:10






作者: Nicky5    时间: 2021-10-24 10:05:59

nanaBB 发表于 2021-10-24 09:48

哪个圈子里都有支持疫苗和反疫苗,支持Ardern和反对她的人,你怎么不说大部分 ...

作者: nanaBB    时间: 2021-10-24 10:17:40


作者: 留学研究生    时间: 2021-10-24 10:22:00

作者: aaron zhang    时间: 2021-10-24 11:33:33

作者: franklehuang    时间: 2021-10-24 11:43:27

作者: 休克鱼888    时间: 2021-10-24 12:05:27

salesonline 发表于 2021-10-24 07:20

newstalk ...

作者: variable    时间: 2021-10-24 13:54:33

最無聊的就是這些罵政府的文章,說政府在疫情方面撕裂社會,但是,隨便換一個政黨上來結果還是會這樣做,在野政黨說的狗屁就是要幹在野黨的動作,跟政府作對, mud slinging. 跟政府對著幹就是了,反正大家也證明不了在野黨是錯的。我不是工黨的粉絲,我之前是投國家黨的,我對工黨在這次的封城對那些特殊人口控制不力感覺很失望,但是縱觀這兩年縂的來説,無論哪個大的黨派,選擇的路綫都是會差不多。
作者: variable    时间: 2021-10-24 13:59:22

作者: royearth    时间: 2021-10-24 15:05:37

真啰嗦。 打不打随你 净搞些没用的
作者: finalrose    时间: 2021-10-24 15:34:19

salesonline 发表于 2021-10-24 07:20

newstalk ...


作者: yakitori    时间: 2021-10-24 15:52:17

finalrose 发表于 2021-10-24 15:34
疫苗刚打的时候是可以减少传染,但每个月效力下降,到了第4-6个月就和没打疫苗的人,一样具有传染和被传 ...



主流媒体不自由是受了什么管制了吗? 我看不是。


作者: salesonline    时间: 2021-10-24 15:56:17

finalrose 发表于 2021-10-24 15:34
疫苗刚打的时候是可以减少传染,但每个月效力下降,到了第4-6个月就和没打疫苗的人,一样具有传染和被传 ...


作者: finalrose    时间: 2021-10-24 20:55:45

本帖最后由 finalrose 于 2021-10-24 21:27 编辑
salesonline 发表于 2021-10-24 15:56



新西兰ICU总数及人均全球倒数第二。 新西兰政府需要认真审视国家公共卫生系统多年来资金不足的问题,医疗资源配置的问题,因为这些问题让新西兰的医疗水平已经远远落后于澳大利亚。

作者: finalrose    时间: 2021-10-24 21:25:58

本帖最后由 finalrose 于 2021-10-24 21:49 编辑
yakitori 发表于 2021-10-24 15:52

我理解是打了疫苗,降低自身重症几率,从而降低医院挤兑的几率,降低死亡率。 ...








作者: Pltr    时间: 2021-10-24 21:53:25

yakitori 发表于 2021-10-24 15:52

我理解是打了疫苗,降低自身重症几率,从而降低医院挤兑的几率,降低死亡率。 ...

作者: yakitori    时间: 2021-10-24 22:01:49

大陆是没人权啊,你不知道吗? 这还需要嘲笑?



作者: yakitori    时间: 2021-10-24 22:14:04

本帖最后由 yakitori 于 2021-10-24 22:23 编辑
finalrose 发表于 2021-10-24 21:25
你的理 ...




媒体当然有选择报道重要的,有意义的,并舆论监督。可你要媒体天天报道 没日注射2,3万次,去找那2,3个负作用的报道,从而现实你所谓的透明性?拜托,你去官网看不就好了吗,何必占领媒体版面。



作者: 261874939    时间: 2021-10-24 22:18:04

应该是个好文章,可惜英语水平不行 看不懂
作者: Pltr    时间: 2021-10-24 22:26:42

yakitori 发表于 2021-10-24 22:01
大陆是没人权啊,你不知道吗? 这还需要嘲笑?


哇哈哈 则嘛?很小一部分的人想法和你不同,损害你利益了?不认同对方观点也别开骂啊……这里是民主社会啊
作者: yakitori    时间: 2021-10-24 22:30:44


图片附件: unnamed.jpg (2021-10-24 22:30:39, 48.86 KB) / 下载次数 0

作者: Pltr    时间: 2021-10-24 22:39:07

本帖最后由 Pltr 于 2021-10-24 22:48 编辑
yakitori 发表于 2021-10-24 22:30

哇哈哈 你对极少数不想打疫苗的同胞指指点点?哈哈 劝你拿出半点功夫去质问一下当初为何要赌上500万人的正常生活去为了个别政客和更小部分接待澳洲游客的从业人员?哈哈 开放了那个泡泡多挣了多少钱?挽救了多少人?现在150万封锁3个月500万人可能一起买单?你隔着儿对几个胆小,天天出门戴口罩的华人 牛逼哄哄?
作者: 留学研究生    时间: 2021-10-25 00:56:57

休克鱼888 发表于 2021-10-24 12:05
在纽村,打疫苗死的人,比感染新冠死的人多好多,被疫苗打死的人,被和谐了。 ...

作者: judo    时间: 2021-10-25 08:20:21

yakitori 发表于 2021-10-24 15:52

我理解是打了疫苗,降低自身重症几率,从而降低医院挤兑的几率,降低死亡率。 ...


很多人,特别是有长期病的人,比如血压病,打了一针后容易引起中风,轻度中风或者者类似反应,(这就是报告说的blood clot),这不是传言,而是周围有发生的,虽然大部分最后都没事,但是这个信息还是传给周围圈子,这也是为什么毛利岛人抗拒比较大的原因,他们不是从网上看传言,而是社区经历传出来。
作者: 偶凸你凹    时间: 2021-10-25 11:22:14

范圆圆. 发表于 2021-10-24 07:58
得了新冠没注射疫苗的死亡率是2.5%,注射了两针辉瑞疫苗的死亡率是0.25%,相差9倍. ...

作者: 20080428    时间: 2021-10-26 11:05:20

开心妈妈 发表于 2021-10-24 07:05



任何时候, 都没用一个单纯的对与错, 只有适合与不适合。没有对错, 只有选择。

如果知道大概率会被传染, 那打疫苗还是比不打疫苗要更好, 哪怕是有副作用的瑞辉, 但是如果本身已经有血液方面或者别的方面的疾病的那还是要认真权衡一下利弊。

孩子我是不建议打瑞辉的, 因为孩子即便感染重症的比例也微乎其微, 偶尔有出现大部分也是有其他基础疾病, 普通流感对他们也会致命, 但是打了之后的长期副作用不仅仅只是血液的问题, 发育, 遗传等等很多都有可能会受影响。

没有绝对安全的疫苗, 对于covid而言更没有绝对有效的疫苗, 所以如果暂时感染概率不高, 或者换句话说如果不在奥克兰这些高风险地区, 瑞辉不是好的选择, 等一下更传统的疫苗更好, 因为你什么时候会用到或者说是否会接触病毒是个未知数 但是打了之后对身体的影响却是肯定的。

没必要为了疫苗而相互攻击, 大家只是做了适合自己的选择而已, 有精力多赚钱, 现在可是敛财千载难逢的机会。

作者: auckland.clark    时间: 2021-10-26 11:08:00

20080428 发表于 2021-10-26 11:05

我的立场其实一直都没变,来这里发帖的初衷只是想让大家关注一下瑞 ...

没必要为了疫苗而相互攻击, 大家只是做了适合自己的选择而已, 有精力多赚钱, 现在可是敛财千载难逢的机会。

x 2
作者: 20080428    时间: 2021-10-26 11:25:28

bintoo 发表于 2021-10-24 08:43

这一点我要说明白, 中国必将成为世界头号强国, 美国会慢慢适应自己的地位。 中国共产党也是中国目前最好的选择, 哪怕有很多负面消息。
作者: 20080428    时间: 2021-10-26 11:28:56

moonIlight2013 发表于 2021-10-24 07:10
副统帅,你说咋搞?这女人有这时间唧唧歪歪写这么多,比如赶快去打针。找这么多借口, ...

打针哪有发财有吸引力, 大家赶紧敛财
作者: jli044    时间: 2021-10-26 11:54:25

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 代达罗斯之殇    时间: 2021-10-26 14:30:21

节假日不回复 工作日才有空
作者: 开心妈妈    时间: 2021-10-26 14:35:22

本帖最后由 开心妈妈 于 2021-10-26 14:36 编辑
20080428 发表于 2021-10-26 11:05

我的立场其实一直都没变,来这里发帖的初衷只是想让大家关注一下瑞 ...

作者: 20080428    时间: 2021-10-26 15:14:17

代达罗斯之殇 发表于 2021-10-26 14:30
节假日不回复 工作日才有空
那些个kiwi同事请年 ...

因为作为一个资深FC, 下班后和节假日才是我的主战场, 工作时间比较闲, 可以上来溜达溜达, 不过还是要少溜达多赚钱


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