The amount required for your payment is determined by the value of the home at the time. This means that if the value of the property has increased 10% from when you originally purchased it, then share of the home Kāinga Ora owns will cost 10% more to purchase.
If you have not bought the full share in your home within the first 15 years of ownership, an annual administration fee will begin to apply to cover costs incurred by Kāinga Ora. Your Kāinga Ora Relationship Manager will also explore options with you appropriate to your circumstances and ability to become a full homeowner. You will need to have purchased the share owned by Kāinga Ora by the 25th anniversary of your settlement date at the latest, or we may seek to purchase or require the sale of the home.
政府是铁了心支持房地产市场,并赚一大笔钱。CV每三年涨一次,付给政府的那部分会随着房价估计的增值而增加,也就是说终点是移动的,厉不厉害,惊不惊喜 作者: 匿名 时间: 2021-10-15 14:20:47
anzbank 发表于 2021-10-15 14:17
The amount required for your payment is determined by the value of the home at the time. This mean ...