The Global Financial Crisis caused a 10% drop in nominal prices in 2008, however price growth picked up again significantly following the crisis and by 2014, nominal prices in Auckland were 34% higher than the pre-crisis peak.
所以说,这是什么信号呢?作者: kazama2007 时间: 2021-8-17 23:59:13
bintoo 发表于 2021-8-17 16:27
兄弟说说看什么基金比较好? 是美股指数基金吗?SP500 还是 Nasdaq的?管理费低吗?
我学习学习作者: kazama2007 时间: 2021-8-18 00:00:43
狂奔的蜗牛!!! 发表于 2021-8-17 22:49
The Global Financial Crisis caused a 10% drop in nominal prices in 2008, however price growth picked ...