我的装修final inspection已经通过了,council的人说你可以申请ccc了,大包给我了木工的PS3, 水工的PS3, 防水的PS3, 以及gasfitting certificate of compliance但是煤气工说不需要上传就是留着备用
1. 我看ccc申请页面要求我上传certificates,请问是指的PS3吗,还是各个工种的从业证书?2. restricted building work里面包含哪些工种呢?就是水、木、防水吗?
3. 我在restricted building work那个选择列表里面没有找到防水这一类,这个是有什么别的名字吗?我选了plumber但是感觉不太对
4. 问题:Did the project involve any work other than restricted building work? 这个问的是哪些方面呀?
5. 问题:Do you know the details of any key personnel who carried out or supervised work other than restricted building work? 这个我选YES吗? 选完YES它就叫我填写工种的信息,比如公司名称注册地址等等
6. 问题:Has the building had any specified systems installed, altered or removed during construction? 我把laundry改成bathroom了,需要在这里选YES吗?
7. 问题:Does the building have an existing compliance schedule? 这句话什么意思呀,完全不懂