Soil Issues
Soil issues recorded. The land may not be suitable for particular development or land use purposes. A soilreport may be required to/must be submitted with any building and/or resource consent application.Effective Date Description Details17/06/2011 Geotechnical report required A Chartered Professional Structural or GeotechnicalEngineer familiar with the following report prepared byURS Limited entitled “Geotechnical Investigation for 341Henderson Valley Road“ dated 14 November 2006 (heldin Council’s records under RMA 2009-805) (“the URSReport”) must specifically design any foundations, pilesand/or retaining walls to be constructed on the land.If any soil information/reports have been prepared in relation to this property, they will be available forviewing at an Auckland Council Service Centre. 作者: 混乱中... 时间: 2021-6-25 21:02:19