标题: 关于Auckland transport 罚单(已经回答) [打印本页] 作者: jessica_123 时间: 2021-3-12 08:48:32 标题: 关于Auckland transport 罚单(已经回答)
本帖最后由 艾美斯大律师 于 2021-3-17 12:01 编辑
收到Auckland transport 的罚单,说是占用bus lane. 交了罚款。请问这个算是convicted吗?
这个要填Yes还是No? 还是说上庭的才算?
Have you ever been:
• convicted Yes No
• charged Yes No
• under investigation Yes No
for any offence(s) against the law in any country including
New Zealand?
To be convicted is to have been entered by a court in New Zealand
for an offence, including a conviction for a traffic offence.
Have you ever been deported or removed from any country, or been
refused entry, or otherwise excluded entry from any country?作者: tulufandeputao 时间: 2021-3-14 18:15:03