Landlords must comply with their local council requirements before establishing a boarding house. You may need to make changes to the property to meet these requirements. Contact your local council for more information.
Boarding house laws (Residential Tenancies Act, Part 2A) - Legislation website
Boarding house landlords also need to stay up to date with changes to tenancy law. Recent changes include the healthy homes standards and Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2019.
Recent changes to tenancy law
Healthy homes standards
All boarding houses must comply with the healthy homes standards by 1 July 2021.
Insulation is compulsory from 1 July 2019 where it is reasonably practicable to install, but some boarding house landlords may need to improve existing insulation by 1 July 2021 to meet the healthy homes standards.
About the healthy homes standards
Current insulation requirements
From 1 July 2019 boarding house landlords must make a signed statement in any new or varied boarding house tenancy agreement that they will comply, or already comply, with the healthy homes standards under section 66I(1)(bb) of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986.作者: casio 时间: 2021-2-3 19:02:49
jhu016 发表于 2021-2-3 12:30
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Landlords must comply with their local council requirements before establis ...
If someone else signs the tenancy agreement but lets you share the flat, you are a flatmate. Flatmates live in the property but are not part of the tenancy agreement.
Flatmates are not responsible to the landlord for the rent and the state of the property. They are responsible to the tenant for their share of the rent.
Flatmates are not covered by the Act. Their rights depend on the agreement they have with the tenant.作者: 房奴甲 时间: 2021-2-5 22:02:03
Pay rent to share a house or apartment with the landlord or a member of their family, then you and your landlord are considered flatmates. This means you do not have rights and obligations under the RTA