标题: 请大家帮忙看看这个房子能碰么?关于flood zone [打印本页] 作者: 一风 时间: 2021-1-25 10:04:10 标题: 请大家帮忙看看这个房子能碰么?关于flood zone
58 hope farm avenue感觉还不错
就是flood zone,因为旁边挨着河
Lim上也有提过flood和overland path
This statement entitled "Flooding" appears on all LIMs.Known flooding information is displayed on the map attached to this LIM entitled “Special Land Features –Natural Hazards - Flooding”.The information shown in the “Special Land Features - Natural Hazards - Flooding” map is also shown on theAuckland Council online map viewer (Geomaps), at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz, which is updated fromtime to time.Any proposed development may require a flooding assessment to be provided by the applicant.The absence of flooding on the “Special Land Features - Natural Hazards - Flooding” map does not excludethe possibility of the site flooding, particularly from Overland Flow Paths which may be on other properties.