说滴没错, 无论怎么样 半夜泡温泉确实不是他们的错。
可是现实是这样:一群酒鬼+种族主义者 就是会在晚上出门晃荡,找寻目标。白天至少人多一些,还是安全一点的。
没办法~~ 但是无论怎么样都不应该责备受害者。~~(除了一群低智商留学生,被电话诈骗的,然后自导自演被绑架的戏码,这群沙雕除外)
He said six of them decided to go to the thermal pools to relax after a long day of biking on Saturday, but it was close to 11pm and many of the businesses were closed so they went to a wild pool close to Wai-o-Tapu Thermal Wonderland.