今年8月租了一个房子,签了一年的fixed term, 前段时间中介发短信说房东可能要卖房,问我愿不愿意提前结束合同,他们出搬家费和免一周的租金,我住的挺好的当然不肯了,今天查邮件才发现两天前中介发邮件给我说房东已经把房卖了,房东的律师会和我联系,让我不要再给中介的账户打租金了。我就我勒个去了
查了一下房东如果卖房需要提前手写通知给租户的,但是这个房东没有,这种情况我是否应该索赔。 Landlords must let tenants know they’re sellingIf a landlord puts the property on the market, they must tell the tenant in writing. They may also choose to let the tenant know in advance. A tenant may not react well to a real estate agent arriving unexpectedly on their doorstep.
Consider delivering the letter to the tenant in person so you can talk about it face to face. You can then also talk about access to the property. You might even set up a time for the tenant to meet the marketing team.
There is no marketing and open house, that is why LZ didn't know it was sold until receiving the notice.
There is minimum interuption on LZ, the only thing is hurt feeling, feeling not been told. If hurt feeling can be quantified in money term, it will be a $50 gift voucher for Christmas.作者: hj_win_1 时间: 2020-12-8 12:05:55