正路是报city council 3010101
其他解决方法是有的,你自己喜欢敢想敢干好了作者: 留下足迹 时间: 2020-12-1 09:21:44
Rights of the landowner or enforcer
Landowners, tenants, and their employees, have the right to take action, like ticketing a vehicle, or arranging for a vehicle to be clamped or towed, when:
You park on their land without permission. This is trespassing, and landowners or leasers may not need to have signs stating this.
Your parking goes against the terms you agreed to by using a facility with signs clearly stating what is included in the service, eg time limits, fees, action to be taken if you break the agreement.作者: joyjoyjoy 时间: 2020-12-1 09:28:35