A boarding house landlord normally needs to give the tenant 28 days' written notice. There are some exceptions to this. A boarding house landlord can end the tenancy immediately if the tenant has: caused, or threatened to cause, serious damage to the boarding house.
A boarding house tenant can end their tenancy with 48 hours’ notice. Even though this notice doesn’t have to be in writing, it’s a good idea for tenants to put it in writing and keep a copy for themselves.
A boarding house landlord normally needs to give the tenant 28 days’ written notice. There are some exceptions to this.
A boarding house landlord can end the tenancy immediately if the tenant has:
caused, or threatened to cause, serious damage to the boarding house
endangered, or threatened to endanger, people or property
caused, or threatened to cause, serious disruption to other tenants.
The landlord can end the tenancy with 48 hours’ written notice if:
the tenant doesn’t pay overdue rent within 10 days of receiving a notice to do so
the tenant has used, or allowed the boarding house to be used, for an illegal purpose
the rent is overdue and the landlord believes the tenant has abandoned the room (after inspecting the room and, if possible, making contact with the tenant’s contact person (if any).作者: 八味天红丸 时间: 2020-10-24 16:02:44