The height of a building, in relation to the distance the building is from the boundary, is a way Councils regulate how much neighbouring properties are affected by a development. The effects of an infringement under the height in relation to boundary rules relate to access to sunlight and daylight for all properties. Different councils vary the requirements and they can vary between different zones within a Council area.
作者: 陌生的香港人 时间: 2020-9-7 23:06:06
本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2020-9-7 23:12 编辑
哪裡看到這個字呢 但這不是building consent 的規定 但目測應該是這個意思
HIRB 全名是Height In Relation to Boundary control 就是華人說的陽光角 作者: moliang 时间: 2020-9-8 00:19:01
planning unitary plan H Zone要求,是阳光角的意思作者: xxlfs 时间: 2020-9-8 21:23:43