
标题: Rent to buy 靠谱吗? [打印本页]

作者: zuojiazhuang    时间: 2020-6-25 22:30:40     标题: Rent to buy 靠谱吗?

作者: kikilulu    时间: 2020-6-25 22:41:49

好像十几年以前,有这种rent to buy. 最近这些年好像消失了。
作者: 还是回国吧    时间: 2020-6-25 23:02:16

作者: HobbyWorld    时间: 2020-6-25 23:46:50

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作者: hnlx1229    时间: 2020-6-26 09:56:03

作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2020-6-26 18:00:39

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2020-6-26 17:02 编辑

why bother "rent to buy" where you can sell in the open market for the same price or more?

If tenant fail to pay the rent/installment, it is difficult to enforce the agreement, might end up going to court. too much uncertainty.

The agreement gives tenant a property right and is no longer a tenant/landlord relationship.

作者: Aprilwei    时间: 2020-6-27 22:34:16

据说是过去房子不好卖的情况下rent to buy,现在房子不愁卖,直接找中介卖掉吧

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