4.3 Nearby buildings or structures
Excavation work may seriously affect the stability of any structure near the excavation. This may lead to structural failure, or ground collapse depending on the site’s ground conditions.
Consider the excavation’s zone of influence on the stability of any nearby structure and make sure the excavation does not remove any nearby structure’s ground support.
The zone is normally at an angle from the base of the excavated face to the surface. The zone’s angle will depend upon site-specific factors, for example soil strength and density.
Local regulations or resource consent conditions may also stipulate other controls for excavating near existing structures.
A competent person should:
assess any excavation near or below the footing of any structure, including retaining walls
determine if any supports to brace the structure are required.
Make sure other structures near the excavation site are not adversely affected by vibration or concussion during the work. If hospitals and other buildings with equipment sensitive to shock and vibration are nearby, consider the need for special precautions.
The zone of influence’s angle will depend upon site-specific factors, for example soil strength and density.
The figures below show examples of nearby structures and services that may restrict the excavation.
[image] House with foundations very close to excavation area
Figure 10: Building line restriction
[image] Existing underground services very close to excavation area
Figure 11: Existing services restriction
[image] Retaining wall very close to excavation area
Figure 12: Retaining wall restriction作者: songinator 时间: 2020-6-17 16:04:26
I think it is the best way to go to the tribunal, and the digger company has 20% win and the owner has 80% win.
We will see later.
Because it has so many things wrong from the digger company.作者: Freestone-gp 时间: 2020-6-17 17:32:22