answer: China will change, give her a chance. At the moment, China doesn't want to play by the world's rules. Disciplining China takes time. Let's give China more time!作者: 狂奔的蜗牛!!! 时间: 2020-6-13 12:19:56
AhSan 发表于 2020-6-13 11:09
answer: China will change, give her a chance. At the moment, China doesn't want to play by the worl ...
China is a communist country so is an authoritarian state.
Nothing wrong, China only want to show the world the good part but never the ugly part.
Nothing wrong for the school assignment. If you don't like the education here, can always send your kids back to China as an international student.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. - Animal farm.
You can also ask your child to stop reading books and literatures that criticize Authoritarian government. 作者: 匿名 时间: 2020-6-13 12:42:36