salesonline 发表于 2020-6-12 07:49
讨论起互联网,你若还是像讨论菜肴美食一样口若悬河,那你可就大错特错了。殊不知任何一个行业,专业界的 ...
忍者厨 发表于 2020-6-12 08:15
澳洲,美国比nz好吧? 你有选择权吗?
In 1999 Telecom New Zealand began providing broadband internet (ADSL) under the name JetStream. There was a progressive roll out into local exchanges. JetStream services were offered by many different ISPs, with Telecom billing for all data usage and the ISP charging for authentication and other services such as a static IP address. Home users were offered 'starter' plans at 128 kbit/s upload and download. Speeds greater than 128 kbit/s were extremely expensive and extra data (beyond the allowance) was charged at over $0.10 per MB. Telecom progressively introduced lower cost home options. Businesses were able to access 'full speed' services at up to 8 Mbit/s downstream and 800 kbit/s upstream, with data charges up to $0.20 per MB.
During March 2004 a 256 kbit/s home service was introduced with a 10 GB allowance for NZ$70.
In 2005 the government mandated Unbundled Bitstream Service (UBS) at a maximum upstream bandwidth of 128 kbit/s. This allowed ISPs to bill for their client's data usage. Telecom initially specified a 256 kbit/s downstream, but added 1 Mbit/s and 2 Mbit/s options later in the year. Telecom provided this in addition to the existing Jetstream plans.
In late 2005 Telecom cancelled its previous wholesale arrangements for JetStream and its plans with other ISPs. Only Telecom's own ISP, Xtra, could sell plans faster than the UBS options.
In February 2006 Telecom announced its intention to offer a speed upgrade on their wholesale. It was reported that some providers would likely reject the offer, though Telecom believed that negotiations were continuing well.[63]
In April 2006, Telecom New Zealand introduced new cheaper services with download speeds up to 3.5 Mbit/s, some thought this was to avoid regulatory local loop unbundling. In May 2006 local loop unbundling was announced as part of a comprehensive telecommunications package.
Hibino 发表于 2020-6-12 09:48
https://web.archive.o ...
By March 2001 Telecom had around 12,000 DSL customers with the service available at 82 exchanges and within the reach of 700,000 subscribers. Once it sorted out its billing problems it would be able to comply with Telecommunications Inquiry requirements that it offer wholesale DSL to other providers. Clear Communications was already piloting its DSL service using Telecom’s lines, with manual billing until Telecom got its automated billing system together. Telecom admitted to the inquiry that it had under-invested in its network, and agreed to achieve a minimum of 9.6 kbit/sec - 14.4 kbit/sec speeds for outlying and rural areas at a cost of at least $100 million. Most people are now connecting at 33kbit/sec. Telecom still wanted proof that its lines weren’t up to scratch and was moaning that conforming to the Kiwi Share agreement, was costing it around $186 million to December 2000 – $18.7 million more than for the previous year. It claimed an increasing number of residential customers were costing it money, largely fuelled by Internet use.
Hibino 发表于 2020-6-12 09:58
Hibino 发表于 2020-6-12 09:58
In 2009, the Government announced a NZ$1.35 billion public-private Ultra-Fast Broadband partnership with four companies to roll out fibre-to-the-home connection in all main towns and cities with population over 10,000.
catalsdevelop 发表于 2020-6-12 09:45
我老家三线城市,gdp 比济南小一些,经济属于全国 top50 城市。500M下载,50M 上传的带 iptv, 带一个无限 ...
Hibino 发表于 2020-6-12 10:14
00后?啥都是张口就来?光纤用了十几年了???????? ...
Hibino 发表于 2020-6-12 10:14
00后?啥都是张口就来?光纤用了十几年了???????? ...
留下足迹 发表于 2020-6-12 09:00
其实你看看,你抱怨来抱怨去的,不就是你内心还是对新西兰这个西方国家的向往,但因为你自己条件微弱,不能 ...
忍者厨 发表于 2020-6-12 20:21
是的,发到这里,会有很多华人心理虽然不平衡,但嘴上绝对不承认,因为他们想中国永远落后,他们才能保持 ...
anzac_corp 发表于 2020-6-13 00:48
外网就算和政治无关的,也封了一大半,上个github都要斗智斗 ...
小小星走天涯 发表于 2020-6-13 13:56
网络来说中国可以的,这里光纤是90一个月,1000多点一年,国内特价差不多是600一年,送600手机费,也就是基 ...
redheart76 发表于 2020-6-13 15:02
不知你有没有玩PS或Xbox游戏,我从新西兰连港服下载游戏,基本可以达到满速下载,从12年装光纤以来,从没 ...
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