2. 而这个分类在A1中有相关的说明,当不具备self care and service的时候,这个sleepout是不能被算作housing的。网络上也有MBIE的compliance advisor关于sleepout是不是restricted building work的解释。以下说人话就是:
a. ONLY 卧室+bathroom,不是housing,不需要LBP
b. ONLY 卧室+kitchen,不收housing, 不需要LBP
c. kitchen+bathroom, 没有卧室,不需要LBP
d. 卧室+kitchen + bathroom, 需要LBP
3. 关于工程师:工程师从来都不是必须的,如果建筑物能够根据3604完成。30m2的sleepout 在设计上based on assumed good ground的话,站在客户得到角度,可以在设计阶段有设计师完成。施工阶段由工程师检查土壤。
Single-storey detached buildings
(e.g. sleep outs, sheds and greenhouses)
There will be additional exemptions that increase the size of the current exemption:
Kitset or prefab buildings with a maximum floor area of 30 square metres where a manufacturer or supplier has had the design carried out or reviewed by a Chartered Professional Engineer
Buildings with a maximum floor area of 30 square metres where a Licensed Building Practitioner is to carry out or supervise design and construction
Buildings with a maximum floor area of 30 square metres where only lightweight materials with structural components built in accordance to Building Code compliance B1/AS1 are used, and this work may be done without the help of a professional.
If you want to start a building project that doesn't require a building consent, you can choose to hire a professional or Licensed Building Practitioner or you can do it yourself, provided you follow the MBIE guidance.
All exempt building work must meet the Building Code as well as other relevant legislation.
It is the building owner's responsibility to check whether a building consent is required. If the work that you are planning to carry out falls outside of the specified requirements, you will need to get a building consent. If you’re not sure if you need consent - ask for advice.作者: 快捷除草公司 时间: 2020-6-18 14:41:49