隔壁邻居新搬来毛利一家子,有两个七八岁的小男孩。之前觉得来了新邻居,给了他们的小孩一盒巧克力,以示友好。结果现在他们家小孩每天见到我就问:any chocolate for us?回答没有,他们就会继续问:any other things for us?有点后悔当初送他们巧克力。 作者: 还是回国吧 时间: 2020-5-17 11:56:46
微笑着说 the chocolates I gave to you the first time is a sign of friendliness, it's an exception, not a rule, so don't take it for granted :), unfortunately, the rule is you must work for everything so I can only give you something when either I feel like it, or I need you something from you in exchange. I hope your parents teach you that too.作者: 261874939 时间: 2020-5-17 12:35:54