* 对各类临时入境签证持有者施加、改变或取消条件; (哇塞,就是看心情呗,杀手锏)
* 更改或取消居民级签证持有人的条件 (哇塞,有猫腻)
* 延长各类人员的签证到期日; (方便操作吧)
* 在没有申请的情况下向个人和各类人员发放签证; (方便部分有资质的企业主?)
* 放弃对某些类别申请的监管要求 (水很深)
* 免除获得过境签证的要求 (就是不要过境签是么?)
* 暂停签证的申请,或暂停提交一些类别签证申请的兴趣;(• Suspend the abilityto make applications for visas or submit expressions of interest in applying forvisas by classes of people) (杀手锏)
* 取消乘坐私人飞机或海上船只抵达的人的入境许可(使其与乘坐商业航班抵达的人保持一致)。 (跟贫民没关系)
Clause 5 amends section 50 of the principal Act by inserting new subsections (4A) to (4E). New subsections (4A) to (4C) give the Minister under the principal Act, currently the Minister of Immigration, a new special direction power for use in dealing with the effects of measures taken, under the principal Act or otherwise, in relation to COVID-19. The power enables employment and travel conditions of resident visas to be amended by the Minister for classes of visa holders, rather than needing to be amended separately for each individual visa holder. Criteria that can be used to define a class include visa holders’ nationality, their immigration documentation, and the type of resident visa involved. New subsection (4D) provides for special directions under the new power to be published on the Internet and scrutinised by Parliament.作者: 匿名 时间: 2020-5-5 18:09:53
修正案对入境许可有一项修改,一些原来默认获得入境许可的人士的入境许可可能被取消,不过这些人指的是Immigration (Visa,Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010中的Section25列出的人士,主要是邮轮和货轮乘员。
Clause 13 inserts new section 113A into the principal Act. New section 113A applies if a person’s entry permission is deemed to be granted under regulations made under the principal Act. At present these regulations are in the Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010. New section 113A(2) provides that an immigration officer may revoke the entry permission if permitted or required by, and only in accordance with, immigration instructions made under the principal Act. New section 113A(4) and (5) specify the time within which the entry permission may be revoked. New section 113A(7) provides that immigration instructions certified under section 22(1)(b) may provide for the revocation of entry permission that is deemed to have been granted under regulations made under this Act. 作者: 匿名 时间: 2020-5-5 18:23:25