早上孩子还能正常登录seesaw看老师分享的照片,下午就无法正常log in了,说“Your network, firewall, browser settings, or device is blocking some parts of Seesaw from loading. Click here for more information on how to unblock Seesaw.
The following files are experiencing errors:
shared-ext.bundle.js, app-ext.bundle.js”
然后弹出个解决无法登录的页面,我看得懂每一个字,但完全不明白在说什么,求IT大神帮忙看一下,我用的谷歌浏览器,怎么设置解决这个屏蔽呀,这是网站给的办法 “Most schools can get going with Seesaw immediately, but if you have network filters or spam filters in place make sure you do the following:
Whitelist *.seesaw.me. In other words, whitelist all domains that end with seesaw.me.
Whitelist localhost
Make sure port 443 (SSL) is open. If you can log in as a teacher and add a new post, this is working.
Turn off scanning for traffic to *.seesaw.me. For security, Seesaw exclusively uses SSL / HTTPS. Some network filters that "inspect" traffic don't like secure connections, so you may have to turn off scanning for traffic to *.seesaw.me.
Add *@seesaw.me and IP addresses, to your email whitelist so you can receive notification emails from Seesaw.
If you don't have network filters in place or have already whitelisted *.seesaw.me, please perform the network test below to verify where the issue might be. ”完全不会电脑程序之类的操作,请懂的朋友不要喷我, 作者: 太极宗师001 时间: 2020-4-25 18:45:41