092627.1 Certifying the line of a trunk sewer (affects part)
Appurtenant hereto are rights of way specified in Easement Certificate 573825.9 - 30.1.1979 at 11.42 am
Subject to a right of way over part marked F on DP 86638 specified in Easement Certificate 573825.9 - 30.1.1979 at 11.42 am
The easements specified in Easement Certificate 573825.9 are subject to Section 351E (1) (a) Municipal Corporations Act 1954
Subject to an electricity transmission right (in gross) over parts marked F and U on DP 86638 in favour of The Waitemata Electric Power Board created by Transfer 815673.2 - 7.12.1979 at 12.27 pm
9590694.3 Mortgage to Mortgage Holding Trust Company Limited - 10.1.2014 at 2:59 pm
作者: 陌生的香港人 时间: 2020-3-11 21:36:10
這個是title上面的東西吧 LIM 不會說這些啊
那些號碼你要到LINZ order或者問律師逐個解析給你看看才知道呢 不過目測大部分都是Right of Way easements 非常普遍啊 作者: liangzitai 时间: 2020-3-11 21:45:56 标题: title