
标题: 今天围观拍卖 [打印本页]

作者: joeistheman    时间: 2020-2-28 13:45:55     标题: 今天围观拍卖

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-2-28 13:50:22

作者: Just4LD    时间: 2020-2-28 13:50:29

作者: Elddies    时间: 2020-2-28 13:51:52


作者: anzbank    时间: 2020-2-28 13:54:08

作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2020-2-28 13:54:42

Onehunga 500多地不能分割Bungalow 16年110多万买的现在卖150多卖了。我刚才看微信里有写。grey ave. 也不是什么好街。。。
作者: joeistheman    时间: 2020-2-28 13:58:19

Just4LD 发表于 2020-2-28 13:50

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-2-28 13:58:37

猩猩都叫兽 发表于 2020-2-28 13:54
Onehunga 500多地不能分割Bungalow 16年110多万买的现在卖150多卖了。我刚才看微信里有写。grey ave. 也不 ...

作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2020-2-28 14:03:13

yangranwu 发表于 2020-2-28 13:58

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-2-28 14:06:31

猩猩都叫兽 发表于 2020-2-28 14:03
这个没具体观察过。去年还低于16年呢。今年刚开年就超过16年等于这几个月涨了有10几20万啊。。夸张。再观 ...

作者: Lease    时间: 2020-2-28 14:20:42

猩猩都叫兽 发表于 2020-2-28 14:03
这个没具体观察过。去年还低于16年呢。今年刚开年就超过16年等于这几个月涨了有10几20万啊。。夸张。再观 ...

过于疯狂, 我觉得不可持续。
作者: shirly.    时间: 2020-2-28 14:22:04

1M 左右各种抢
1.2--1.3 抢的人很少
1.4-1.7 卖不出去
2M以上大地 超CV 30%-70% 都有可能

作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2020-2-28 14:23:23

Lease 发表于 2020-2-28 14:20
过于疯狂, 我觉得不可持续。

作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2020-2-28 15:33:17

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2020-2-28 15:45 编辑

The unitary plan is a new thing in Auckland when it first came out, people paid some $1 million above and vendors were happy to take the gain of what they paid for.

Those properties had been undersold in the past. The subdivided land will become rarer and rarer due to constraint in infrastructure, any radius within 5-10km will be a germ.

This round is a catch-up for Unitary Plan subdividable land. Any catch up will have ripple effects on the rest of the market.

There will be a global stimulus on the virus-infected market, a more relaxed monetary policy and more money will be injected into the market and would make the market flooded with liquidity again. The gap between the poor and the rich will only get wider and wider.

The consequences will mean:

1) Socialism and populist-nationalist will become popular government policy and will be a challenge to capitalism. There will be Wealth tax to stop some minority of people holding on their wealth and pass on to the next generation.

2) There will be more social unrest.

3) More robberies, more hatred related crime.

4) a less trusting society

作者: Quad    时间: 2020-2-28 15:59:31


作者: occc    时间: 2020-2-28 16:02:19

美股跌成这个样, 好像大家都没什么感觉啊

我这几天新西兰的几个基金已经跌了6% sigh
作者: ling6264    时间: 2020-2-28 16:02:59

作者: rzrljb    时间: 2020-2-28 16:17:33

作者: 4POND    时间: 2020-2-28 16:37:06


作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-2-28 17:00:31

4POND 发表于 2020-2-28 16:37

外围的世界也是一片哀嚎,但我就是涨涨涨,你拿我有什么办法 ...

外围那都是短期的,对疫情心理恐慌.. 这次之后全球央行更加统一的实施货币宽松! 资金流向哪里,自行补脑
作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-28 17:30:38

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-2-28 17:56:34

鼠星人 发表于 2020-2-28 17:30

作者: Wintec    时间: 2020-2-28 18:01:06

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作者: gretaoto    时间: 2020-2-28 18:46:01

Wintec 发表于 2020-2-28 18:01
一帮赌徒聚赌炒市,上面那帮傻多瞎凑热闹,你们看涨,赶紧去买呀,忽悠别人入坑。新西兰预计上半年经济因为 ...

作者: wfsr    时间: 2020-2-28 19:07:23

作者: 阿海    时间: 2020-2-28 19:31:55


将来半年OCR估计会跌2次,swap rate和纽币下降,也许利息会更低!2.99%利息的话更会火上添油!
作者: tianzhi11    时间: 2020-2-28 19:44:37

作者: 鼠星人    时间: 2020-2-28 20:49:50

作者: pategao    时间: 2020-2-28 22:16:46

鼠星人 发表于 2020-2-28 20:49
不过今天以后,情况可能就会改变了,新西兰始终逃不过,还是有确诊的了。。。哈哈 ...

作者: annie2018    时间: 2020-2-28 23:00:52

作者: quinn    时间: 2020-2-28 23:25:00


作者: abc888    时间: 2020-2-28 23:47:40

未来几个月,多头们应该天天去OPEN HOME房和拍卖室吧!!!几百万的利润等着你们呢!!管他病毒不病毒呢,冲啊!

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-2-28 23:51:20

作者: 261874939    时间: 2020-2-29 00:13:22

阿海 发表于 2020-2-28 19:31

将来半年OCR估计会跌2次,swap rate和纽币下降,也许利息会更低!2.99%利息的话 ...

海哥 现在几点?   
作者: aprily    时间: 2020-2-29 00:45:42

作者: Wintec    时间: 2020-2-29 07:27:36

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作者: Wintec    时间: 2020-2-29 07:28:12

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: Wintec    时间: 2020-2-29 07:30:39

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作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2020-2-29 09:12:21

作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2020-2-29 10:59:23

房奴甲 发表于 2020-2-29 09:12

作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-2-29 11:12:58

猩猩都叫兽 发表于 2020-2-29 10:59
看房估计就没啥人了吧?如果病情发展起来的话。估计所有行业都要萧条一段时间。有可能网站业务会增加倒是 ...

作者: 儿科医生    时间: 2020-2-29 11:30:24

Lease 发表于 2020-2-28 14:20
过于疯狂, 我觉得不可持续。

作者: tiannz    时间: 2020-2-29 11:43:31

yangranwu 发表于 2020-2-29 11:12

作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2020-2-29 11:56:52

yangranwu 发表于 2020-2-29 11:12

作者: Lease    时间: 2020-2-29 19:08:42

bungyjumping999 发表于 2020-2-28 15:33
The unitary plan is a new thing in Auckland when it first came out, people paid some $1 million abov ...

But if you went to supermarket last night, you may make different conclusion. People are crazy to accumulate living essentials, ie, food, beverage, tissues, etc.

If these actions continue, CPI will go up substantially. How do central bank control CPI? Rise OCR! This will be devastating for property market.

Another indicator I can quote is: China Feb PMI and Non-manufacturing PMI are just out today. The results are worse than 2008 GFC. https://www.scmp.com/economy/chi ... lunges-all-time-low

Be aware China supply most living essentials to many nations around world. If China is unable to supply, which is happening now, those nations would be short of essential supply and people are rushing to buy. The consequence is pushing CPI up and central banks have to raise rate.
作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-2-29 19:23:42

Lease 发表于 2020-2-29 19:08
But if you went to supermarket last night, you may make different conclusion. People are crazy to  ...

就凭昨晚华人抢购就断定加息,我也是服了. 今天下午去超市就没什么人了.. 这次疫情美联储肯定要带头降息. 也正常,立场不一样,主观判断不一样,后面的所有理由都是为了那是正确的。年底看吧
作者: Lease    时间: 2020-2-29 19:42:25

yangranwu 发表于 2020-2-29 19:23
就凭昨晚华人抢购就断定加息,我也是服了. 今天下午去超市就没什么人了.. 这次疫情美联储肯定要带头降息. ...

I say "if" these actions continue. Don't miss the key word.
作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2020-2-29 20:48:13

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2020-2-29 20:53 编辑
Lease 发表于 2020-2-29 19:42
I say "if" these actions continue. Don't miss the key word.

This action (food rushing) will not continue. IT IS herd mentality, fear-mongering. I drove around Countdown and newworld in mairangi bay areas this afternoon while sending my child to an Art Class, there is no rush in those supermarkets.I went to fruit world, fish shop as well, no rush at all.

The fear factor is real, but every fear and curveball there is a solution. The government, however, has no choice but to inject monetary easing and liquidity to the market in the next few months and looking for solutions, by then will further diluting the power of money.

i welcome the recent stock market declining, it is a good reset. A good opportunity for some.

作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2020-2-29 21:10:48

猩猩都叫兽 发表于 2020-2-29 10:59
看房估计就没啥人了吧?如果病情发展起来的话。估计所有行业都要萧条一段时间。有可能网站业务会增加倒是 ...

像我这样喜欢约看的也没什么啊。约看就你自己。我不喜欢看open home。
作者: Lease    时间: 2020-2-29 21:17:57

bungyjumping999 发表于 2020-2-29 20:48
This action (food rushing) will not continue. IT IS herd mentality, fear-mongering. I drove around  ...

Well, if coronavirus spread over, more and more people are infected in this country. Then you can't say "the rush" will not continue. And if the rush continues, CPI will shot up, and do you still think central bank will ease monetary policy?

Surely at this stage, I still think the coronavirus impact is short-term and one-off event. I'm also buying some stocks which I have waited their price drop for a while.

However, we can't rule out the coronavirus may continue longer than expected, and have severe economic consequence.
作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2020-2-29 21:37:17

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2020-2-29 21:39 编辑
Lease 发表于 2020-2-29 21:17
Well, if coronavirus spread over, more and more people are infected in this country. Then you can' ...

If more workplaces closing down, schools closing down, more shops closing down because of this pandemic,  the government will go soft on businesses, investors and even put interest into 1% or less.

The food these people bought is enough for them to eat for a few weeks or months, they can stay home and eat their food and no need to go shopping or eating out in the next few months.

This means there will be fewer people shopping in the next few weeks/months as some have done their shopping in advance for fear of missing out.

Anyway, I personally do not see this virus has a long term effect, and I bet on that and that is my position.

作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2020-3-2 10:21:36

房奴甲 发表于 2020-2-29 21:10
像我这样喜欢约看的也没什么啊。约看就你自己。我不喜欢看open home。

我不喜欢约看。一是平时没时间。二是我也不喜欢单人看那种感觉。要是不买,会觉得浪费中介时间,心理过意不去总觉得。中介也会特别盯着你感觉不像Open home去的比较舒心没压力。
作者: V7    时间: 2020-3-2 10:32:43

aprily 发表于 2020-2-29 00:45
这个伊朗老太的作用现在还说不准。如果她能凭一己之力把新西兰的房价打下来,她在很多人心目中的形象会比圣 ...

作者: yuwawa    时间: 2020-3-2 10:34:32

那么恭喜你 这类屋主 你的“春天”来了
作者: goodmood    时间: 2020-3-2 20:46:42

作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2020-3-2 21:15:30

猩猩都叫兽 发表于 2020-3-2 10:21
我不喜欢约看。一是平时没时间。二是我也不喜欢单人看那种感觉。要是不买,会觉得浪费中介时间,心理过意 ...

我喜欢约看,因为可以随便问中介问题,对方一般不敷衍。我是不会对中介感到心理过意不去的。而且对方盯着我还是不盯着我,我是几乎不会注意到的,更不在乎。约看时还可以跟中介聊聊,经常能聊出有用的内容。Open home嘛,你知道最糟糕的一点是什么?是如果人很多的话,你就容易想买这个房子。这是个很不利于买家的场合。
作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2020-3-3 11:49:40

房奴甲 发表于 2020-3-2 21:15
我喜欢约看,因为可以随便问中介问题,对方一般不敷衍。我是不会对中介感到心理过意不去的。而且对方盯着 ...

问题是你约看,可能看不到这个房子的受欢迎程度哈哈。不好对价格做判断。应该先Open home看看,再约下。如果真喜欢的话。我是不会上来就约的反正。除非真的是时间不合适,或者特别想买那个等不及Open home哈哈
作者: yangranwu    时间: 2020-3-3 12:24:07

今天东区拍卖上半场又是人满为患,目测清盘率80% 等崩盘的再等等
作者: ptliao0318    时间: 2020-3-3 13:19:44

作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2020-3-4 15:43:59

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2020-3-4 16:05 编辑

1) People who bought in years 2000 -2016 onward at the price range of $400K investment houses would have paid back their mortgage and have plenty of money lying around.

Some of them held a number of houses in that period, they are the people who are coming in to buy houses in this round.

Many of them are now receiving good rents for their properties and have good cash flow. They don't even need to sell, just add more properties to their portfolio.

2) Many returning overseas PR / Kiwi, they paid little tax while working overseas and managed to have good savings (investments) as compared with their peers who stayed back in NZ (part of their salaries are swallowed by tax). These people are now returning with their children for schoolings/universities. Their level of saving will put them in a much competitive position than the locals.

3) Economic downturn and recession always lead the government to consider opening up immigration. NZ has a vast aging population, the balance is getting younger immigrants to balance up the aging population. I read an article that said if NZ is left with natural population growth, it will take 8 years to increase just 20,000 people (ie natural-born and death). Immigration is an inevitable path for NZ, the policy, however, will gear towards more quality immigrants in the future.

作者: wphl27    时间: 2020-3-4 16:16:37

bungyjumping999 发表于 2020-3-4 15:43
1) People who bought in years 2000 -2016 onward at the price range of $400K investment houses would  ...

作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2020-3-4 16:20:25

wphl27 发表于 2020-3-4 16:16

capital gain tax made them hybernate (sleep) - wait and see mode.Now, they think is a good time.

作者: ptliao0318    时间: 2020-3-6 20:11:44

作者: xli422    时间: 2020-3-6 22:03:14

作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2020-3-7 14:21:23

ptliao0318 发表于 2020-3-6 20:11
楼上的分析很有道理,看来还是很多人要买房,只是不知现在奥克兰的疫情接下来会影响房价吗?如果现在高价买 ...


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